9 Actors Who Gave Up After Terrible Roles And 6 Who Quit After Great Ones

We all like to imagine that the lives of actors are easy. You show up on set, say a few lines, pout a bit for the camera. Maybe they do some cool stunt or overly choreographed fight, kiss the romantic lead and then they’re out of there with plenty of time to catch an early happy hour. We never imagine the behind the scenes drama, the hard work, the preparation and the heartbreak of a poorly received piece role and the toll it takes....

November 18, 2022 · 16 min · 3320 words · Esperanza Wingfield

9 Awesome Video Game Collector S Editions

November 18, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Gerald Fletcher

9 Best Weapons In Dead Cells And How To Get Them Dead Cells

November 18, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Cora Jones

9 Parts Of Resident Evil 3 We Can T Wait To See Remade

November 18, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Margaret Wilson

9 Table Top Games That Video Game Fans Will Love

November 18, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Darrell Routt

90 Day Kim Finally Gets Usman S Family S Blessing But His New Prospect Also Rejects Second Wife Status

The multi Day Life partner: Joyfully Ever Later? couple was given the gift of Usman’s family as an agreement — which framed what Kim, 52, should provide up to be with him forever. tvguidetime.com In Sunday night’s episode, Usman’s brother took out a document envelope with a significant note inside. From the beginning, Kim had no clue about what’s in store. “When Usman lets me know that his family has a note for me, I’m like, what the f- – – is going on?...

November 18, 2022 · 3 min · 508 words · Micheal Coyne

90 Day Fianc Aladin Has One On One With Liam In Bathhouse

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’s Aladin decided to have a one-on-one with Liam in a bathhouse. The awkward confrontation stemmed from unresolved issues that happened due to Liam refusing to support his mother’s decisions. Laura was 51 years old when she met Aladin, who was 29, on Facebook. After only eight months of talking, she flew to Qatar where he worked, and the couple became engaged a couple of days later....

November 18, 2022 · 3 min · 539 words · Rebecca Roberts

90 Day Fianc Mursel Returns To The Us To Marry Anna

On Sunday night’s new episode of 90 Day Fiancé, Mursel and Anna’s saga continues, despite it appearing that their story was over. Mursel went home to Turkey and fans thought he wouldn’t be able to return back to the United States again, however, it looks as though their story is continuing on. Upon Mursel getting the blessing from his family and being granted a renewal on his K-1 visa, he’s on his way back to the US to marry Anna....

November 18, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Philip Wolf

9To5Mac Daily June 09 2021 Tvos 15 And Macos Monterey Tidbits

Sponsored by MacStadium: MacStadium is the only provider of enterprise-class cloud solutions for Mac and iOS app development. Whether you need a Mac cloud for large-scale CI/CD or a single Mac mini to test your iOS app, MacStadium has a solution for all your Mac development needs. Sponsored by CleanMyMac X: CleanMyMac X is the essential decluttering app for Mac. Get 5% off for a limited time. Stories discussed in this episode: tvOS 15 lets you sign in to apps using Face ID on your iPhone macOS Monterey includes new ‘erase all contents and settings’ option for resetting your Mac iOS 15 portrait video and audio effects can be enabled in third-party apps like Snapchat, not just FaceTime Enjoy the podcast?...

November 18, 2022 · 1 min · 165 words · Benjamin Morris

9To5Mac Daily October 01 2020 Apple Tv App Expanding More

Sponsored by DEVONthink: Manage your documents the smart way on Mac and iOS. Get 10% off with code 9to5mac-2020. Stories discussed in this episode: [Update: PlayStation too] Report: Apple working with Microsoft to bring Apple TV app to Xbox consoles Pre-installed Apple apps could be banned in Europe Missing GPS data? Apple suggests wiping and restoring devices Enjoy the podcast?: Follow Chance: Twitter: @ChanceHMiller Listen & Subscribe: Apple Podcasts Overcast RSS Stitcher TuneIn Google Play Share your thoughts!...

November 18, 2022 · 1 min · 104 words · Luis Peppers

什么是网红营销? 网红营销混合了新旧两种营销工具,采用名人代言的理念,并将其放到当今以内容驱动的营销活动中。网红营销的主要区别在于,活动的结果是品牌商和网红之间的合作。 网红营销策略和案例研究: 一个很好的例子就是Youtube名人PewDiePie。他与制片人合作拍摄了一部以法国巴黎的地下墓穴为背景的恐怖电影,并制作了一系列视频,讲述了他在地下墓穴中经历的种种挑战。对于PewDiePie的2700万订阅者来说,这是一套完美的内容,而作为电影的预告片,它的浏览量几乎翻了一番。人人皆赢。 这是一个很简单的例子。人们很容易想象一位名人与一家公司合作推销一种产品——即使推销是一系列10分钟的视频,而不是一段30秒的电视广告。但如果它没有更广泛的应用,人们就不会谈论网红营销——你也不会读到它。关键在于“网红”这个词。 与名人不同,网红可以无处不在。他们可以是任何人。使他们具有影响力的是他们在网络和社交媒体上的大量粉丝。网红可以是Instagram上受欢迎的时尚摄影师,或者是在twitter上发推文的博主,或者是LinkedIn上受人尊敬的营销主管。在任何行业,都有一些有影响力的人——你得找到他们。他们很容易被成千上万(如果不是数百万)的粉丝认可,这就是你追求的目标受众。 [ebook title=“How To Measure Influencer Marketing ROI” text=“The Complete Brand Marketer’s Guide” button=“Download the eBook” img=“https://influencermarketinghub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/img_bg_1.jpg”] 什么对网红营销来说是有用的 认真考虑你的网红营销方法 要有组织、有策略、有计划、有预算,并花时间进行研究 要有耐心和人情味——是人对人说话,而不是公司对公司说话 制定计划表 网红是否更喜欢每月/季/半年一次收到电话或时事通讯? 整合公关计划表、产品发布计划表等。 代表重要高管发送电子邮件。为高管制定差旅计划,安排面对面的会议 网红营销与什么无关 需要指出的是,网红营销不仅仅是找到一个有受众的人,给他们金钱或露露面让他们替你说好话就算完。病毒名人的作用正在于此。网红是花时间建立自己的品牌并培养受众的人; 他们自然会保护自己的声誉以及信任他们的人。他们有足够的耐心和专注力在社交媒体上取得成功,踏踏实实地积累粉丝——像这样的人对快速回报不感兴趣。 网红营销也无关乎快速烧钱。这跟社交媒体和内容营销一样,是一种慢而稳的方法,其中你的广告活动并不是直接销售你的产品。而是在你所在的行业中展示你的权威、信誉和思想领导地位。这就是要成为你所提供产品的代名词,就好比人们说要施乐一份文件代替了说复印一份文件(译者注:施乐,即Xerox,某复印机品牌,这里用作动词)。 社交媒体营销是一个缓慢的游戏,它需要时间来吸引那些忠诚而投入的粉丝。人们很容易认为,与一位网红联手将是赢得其粉丝芳心的捷径——但事情并没有那么简单。要与网红联手,你必须赢得他们的信任和尊重。用什么方法呢? 什么对网红营销来说是无用的 概括你寻找和利用不同网红的方法。一种方法并不适合所有的网红:针对具体的网红要调整你的方法 简单地看一下网红的受欢迎程度。影响力并不仅仅意味着受欢迎程度,还请记住你的目标是引起客户的具体行动 一条简单的原则:网红营销是就网红进行的营销 通过传统的社交媒体营销,品牌商可以在其选择的任何平台上建立自己的身份,随着时间的推移和用户群的增加,他们可以看清谁是他们的品牌拥护者。也就是说,谁是喜欢和共享内容或在帖子中提及品牌本身的客户。像这样的用户通常会通过个人关注和作为所有品牌拥护者的高度细分群体的一部分而得到进一步培养。向这一群体推销的努力还包括让他们继续传播口碑的方法。 网红营销告诉我们,我们最好把时间花在直接向有影响力的人进行营销上面,因为我们已经知道他们的好恶与我们的一致 这种方法有一个问题:一些用户没有足够的粉丝来产生很大的影响。事实上,大多数用户都不会产生多少影响。多数用户都有一个由几百个朋友和同事组成的小圈子,它们代表着各种各样的品味和偏好。与此同时,品牌商努力策划和创建内容,他们希望这些内容能够以某种有意义的方式与他们的粉丝产生共鸣,同时保持日常互动。可以预见地,这种漫无目标的社交营销方法产生了不稳定的结果。网红营销不是盲目地试图吸引“点赞”和“粉丝”,也不是抛出各种各样的内容来看看到底哪种内容吸引眼球,而是告诉我们,我们最好把时间花在直接向有影响力的人进行营销上面,因为我们已经知道他们的好恶与我们的一致。这意味着要通过各社交账号与这些人互动——不仅仅是关注和点赞,而是评论和展示学识与个性。这也可以意味着策划或创建精心挑选的内容,以吸引网红的注意。虽然网红的受众才是最终目标,但品牌商的目标市场包括网红本身。 通过奠定基础,可以实现两件事。 首先,只需在网红的社交页面上以积极和建设性的方式进行互动,你就可以尽早接触他们的粉丝。你并不是在向他们推销什么,而是在展示你作为社区一员的形象,可以说,这绝对会增加你的可信度。 第二件事是,最终,当你提出某种网红营销合作时,他们会知道你是谁。网红本身并非名人,但他们的网上生活可能很像名人的真实世界:会有很多他们不认识的人干扰进来,希望和他们分享一些时光,要么是赞扬他们,要么是想让他们帮自己推销产品。你需要能够通过电子邮件和推特从其诸多粉丝中脱颖而出。这样,当你最终接触到他们的时候,他们会知道你在做什么,他们会知道你是否适合其受众。如果你把功课做好了,那就大可放心吧。 网红营销活动:案例研究 之前的PewDiePie示例可能让您对网红营销活动有了一些概念,但是很难看到这种策略如何在商业领域中吸引力较小的领域发挥作用。考虑到这一标准,让我们看一下这个例子——旨在提高Content Marketing World会议出席率和知名度的活动。更传统的方法可能只关注SEO和谷歌广告,以及Twitter和LinkedIn上的一些推广内容。也许会写一篇博文,一些可以分享的有见地的东西,以此来进行宣传。 相反,Content Marketing Institute 与Top Rank Marketing合作,开发了一项网红营销活动来帮助宣传。公平地讲,Content Marketing Institute已经建立起了一张庞大的网红合作网络;确定潜在的合作者就像看看都有谁会在他们所推广的会议上发言一样简单。这正是他们所做的,要求演讲者就内容营销提出一些想法或建议。该反馈与其他教材一起被编译成了四本单独的电子书,每一本电子书都有一个与CMI会议节目相关的独特主题。每本电子书都可以在Slideshare上阅读,也可以下载为PDF格式,其中包含CMI、Top Rank和网红自己在社交媒体上发布的链接。整个计划由专门从事内容策划和管理平台的软件开发商Curata承保。围绕一项广告活动会有很多参与者,但要看看每个人都能从中得到什么: 目标受众,即那些被招募来参加会议的人,他们获得了与他们个人相关的免费、有趣和有价值的信息。 超过23万人在Slideshare上阅读了电子书,另有4000人下载了PDF。 参与的网红利用该平台来推动其会议出席率。分享其参与的电子书给了自己更多的机会,让人们意识到他们在说,所有这些都提升了他们在各自领域作为可靠和受人尊敬的人的形象。 CMI得到了他们想要的出席率,并通过以自己为中心成功举办另一场大型会议而获得了他们想要的地位。 赞助方Curata则得到了超过1000条新的市场线索。 在这些活动中没有使用任何广告技巧,没有虚伪的名人对着你知道他们从未使用过的产品谄笑。不妨这样想:CMI会议活动是一种直来直去的内容营销行为,委托人为撰写内容营销书籍的作者,目标是其他的活动营销人员。这些人都知道“做生意的诀窍”,但这次活动成功了。这是因为在这种情况下,诀窍就是没有诀窍。 最好的社交营销之所以行之有效,是因为它只不过是一种自然的社交互动。 最好的内容营销之所以行之有效,是因为信息真正有用。 最好的网红营销之所以行之有效,是因为它既依赖于社交工具,也依赖于内容营销工具,其在受众心目中已经树立起了信誉和真正的权威。

November 17, 2022 · 1 min · 67 words · Michael Garcia

4 Scary Games To Play For Halloween That You May Have Overlooked

The Park The Park is a psychological horror game from Funcom that came out in 2015. You play as Lorraine, a single mother who searches for her son, Callum, in an abandoned creepy theme park. The game explores Lorraine’s story and emotions in soliloquies as the player progresses through the amusement park as well as the amusement park’s dark history. It’s clear Lorraine suffers from anxiety and depression, and a big part of the psychological aspect of this game is deciphering what’s real and what’s a figment of Lorraine’s imagination....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 635 words · Garnett Wall

4 Things That Need To Be In Pokemon Go

So today I present to you: 4 things that need to be in Pokemon GO. Nicknaming What would Pokemon be without nicknaming? I’m more than sure that this feature will be in the game, along with Nintendo’s ban against inappropriate names. But it will be cool to see everyone’s uniquely named Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon This soon-to-be Pokemon-infested world can’t be complete without shinies. How amazing would this be: you’re just minding your own business, when all of a sudden your phone goes off telling that a shiny was nearby....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 224 words · Molly Wray

4 Villains Who Weren T Really Evil

November 17, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Melvin Tucker

42 Text Editing Keyboard Shortcuts That Work Almost Everywhere

Whether you’re typing an email in your browser or writing in a word processor, there are convenient keyboard shortcuts usable in almost every application. You can copy, select, or delete entire words or paragraphs with just a few key presses. Some applications may not support a few of these shortcuts, but most applications support the majority of them. Many are built into the standard text-editing fields on Windows and other operating systems....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 713 words · Jacob Jasper

4400 Season 1 Episode 13 Release Date And Time Countdown When Is It Coming Out

4400 is one of the most well known American sci-fi secret dramatization TV series, which was at first delivered on October 25, 2021. This series got tremendous prevalence inside the debut of only a couple of episodes that it has now got another season. Indeed! Season 1 has at long last debuted, and a couple of episodes of 4400 Season 1 have been broadcasted. The fans are astounded by this series that after the debut of the past episode, they are anxious to know when the following episode, which is 4400 Season 1 Episode 13 delivery date....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 595 words · Benito Webb

5 Best Keyboard For Programming Coding 2023

Programmers spend most of their days on a computer designing, writing, and testing code. This makes the keyboard one of the most important tools in their kit. A coder cannot just pick any keyboard and hope it does the job. They need one that will make their job simpler. A keyboard that they can type on the whole day without straining and also reprogram it to access the most frequented applications on their computers easily....

November 17, 2022 · 14 min · 2856 words · Carol Crawford

5 Classic Harvest Moon Games For Stardew Valley Fans

November 17, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Benjamin Davis

5 Cloud Architecture Mistakes We Shouldn T Still Be Making

A poorly planned system can be a burden on the business that’s using it. Reconfiguring an architecture is a costly and time-consuming process, especially if the original cloud migration didn’t go smoothly. While some mistakes are unavoidable, here’s five gotchas that you should watch out for. 1. Blind Focus Cloud technologies are still surrounded by a degree of hype and buzz. This can prompt organizations to fixate on the latest “big thing,” even if an older solution might actually be more appropriate....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1238 words · Josh Holmes

5 Cool New Iphone Features We Love In Ios 16

If you have an iPhone 8 or later, you’ve probably already updated to iOS 16. The latest operating system introduces cool new features, such as the ability to customize your lock screen and unsend or edit texts. We put together five standout features from iOS 16 for you to check out. 1. Customizable Lock Screen The Lock Screen features a new depth perception tool where the clock appears to be behind objects in the wallpaper....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1007 words · Bobby Robertson