With all the digital marketing channels available nowadays, it might seem quaint to talk about drawing in customers via email.

But did you know that good ol’ electronic mail is still one of the best ways to do just that?To get to the bottom of why that is, we’ve collected the most relevant and recent facts about email marketing in Australia and around the world. Let’s have a look!

What Are Some Good Email Marketing Statistics?

  • There are an estimated 4.258 billion email users in 2022.
  • Email newsletters were the third most common type of marketing content used in 2021.
  • Email engagement was the second most tracked metric by content marketers around the world in November 2021.
  • In 2021, people spent an average of just ten seconds reading a brand email.
  • The top email service provider used by marketers in 2021 was Salesforce.
  • The global average email marketing ROI in 2020 was 3,600%.
  • The Australian marketing email click-through rate in 2020 was the highest in the world at 3.1%.
  • Aussies unsubscribed from marketing emails at double the rate of other regions in 2020.
  • 78% of B2B marketers adopted email as a digital marketing channel in 2021.
  • The value of the email marketing market is expected to increase to nearly $17.9 billion by 2027.

General Email Marketing Statistics

1. There are an estimated 4.258 billion email users in 2022.


Email user statistics also indicate that the number of people around the world who use email is only set to grow by 2025 to a projected 4.594 billion.

2. Email newsletters were the third most common type of marketing content used in 2021.

(Statista) (Campaign Monitor)

According to a November 2021 survey, marketers use blog posts or short articles the most to market products, at 91%.

Next are social media posts with 88%, email newsletters with 78% and videos with 69%.

Furthermore, small businesses consider email to be the second-best way to build brand awareness—behind SM but just ahead of content marketing and paid media.

3. Email engagement was the second most tracked metric by content marketers around the world in November 2021.

A global survey of content marketing professionals from November 2021 showed that the metric they tracked the most was page views at 62%.

Email engagement was second with 58%, social media engagement and website engagement were tied for third with 57%, whereas conversions were fourth with 52%.

Search rankings were tracked by 43%, while the number of email subscribers was monitored by 34% of marketers.

4. Email was the most automated digital marketing channel in the world in 2021.

Given how many marketing emails are sent per day, it’s hardly a surprise that as many as 65% of them are automated, according to a survey of marketers from June 2021.

Social media is next with a 47% automation rate, while that of landing pages is 30% and of paid advertisements – 28%.

5. In 2021, people spent an average of just ten seconds reading a brand email.

A global analysis of 8 million opened brand emails from January through August 2021 showed that recipients spent .4 seconds less on average reading each message than they’d done ten years prior.

The peak was in 2018 at 13.4 seconds before declining to 11.8 in 2020 and further the following year.

6. In September ‘21, 40% of emails were opened via webmail.

(Statista) (Super Office)

Mobile email statistics show that in September 2021, 36.6% of users opened emails on their phones.

Despite this, a 2020 report found that almost 20% of B2B marketers didn’t optimise their email campaigns for viewing on smartphones.

Emails were opened the least on desktops, accounting for just 15.8%.

7. Gmail was the email provider with the largest market share in 2021.

Based on open rate, Gmail was the top email client in the world in September 2021 with a 36.5% share.

Behind it were Apple’s iPhone with 33%, Mail with 10% and Mail Privacy with 6.6%, while Outlook was used by 5.9% of email users.

8. The top email service provider used by marketers in 2021 was Salesforce.

As many as 23% of global industry professionals rely on Salesforce Marketing Cloud to deliver marketing emails as of August 2021.

Other favoured ESPs are Mailchimp with 21%, Adobe Marketo and Hubspot with 10% each and Salesforce Pardot with 8%.

9. What is the best email marketing app based on revenue?

Mailchimp is far and away the most profitable email marketing software-as-a-service company in the world as of January 2020, with USD $800 million in annual recurring revenue.

ActiveCampaign was a distant second with $165 million, while Mailup and SendInBlue were tied for third place with $65 million each.

Further, Campaign Monitor earned $33 million and Convertkit $29 million.

10. Which is the best email marketing software in 2021 by delivery rate?

The best email marketing tools worldwide in 2021 based on successful delivery status were the following:

  • ActiveCampaign—86.53%
  • GetResponse—85.92%
  • Campaign Monitor—85.06%
  • CleverReach—84.57%
  • Klick-Tipp—83.78%

Other popular email marketing services in Australia such as AWeber and SendInBlue ranked lower with 81.89% and 81.49%, respectively.

Mailchimp managed to deliver just 79.92% of emails to people’s inboxes, with 16% being labelled as spam and 4.08% being lost.

11. The global average email marketing ROI in 2020 was 3,600%.

Reports from Q2 2020 showed that the average return on investment from this marketing channel was around USD $36 for every $1 invested.

However, the ROI on email marketing varied greatly by industry, namely:

  • Retail, ecommerce and consumer goods—$45
  • Marketing, PR and advertising—$42
  • Software and technology—$36
  • Media, publishing, events, sports and entertainment—$32

Email Marketing in Australia

12. Australia had a marketing email CTOR of 14.8% in 2020.

Email marketing statistics from 2020 show that by region, Oz had the second-highest click-to-open rate of marketing emails in the world, almost tied with that of the USA at 14.9%.

Europe, the Middle East and Africa came in third with 14.3% while Britain was last with 9.9%. This put the global average at 14.1%.

13. In 2020, the marketing email open rate Down Under was 20.6%.

Oz led the pack when it came to certain email marketing benchmarks in 2020, including open rate. Behind it was the EMEA region with 19%, while the global average stood at 18%.

The United States recorded a rate of 17.6% whereas the UK was last with just 16.4%.

14. The Australian marketing email click-through rate in 2020 was the highest in the world at 3.1%.

The CTR of marketing emails at the world level averaged 2.6% in 2020, the same percentage as in the States.

The click-through rate in EMEA was 2.7%, whereas that in the UK was nearly half that in AU at 1.6%.

15. Aussies unsubscribed from marketing emails at double the rate of other regions in 2020.

The average unsubscribe rate Down Under when it came to marketing emails in 2020 was 0.2%, double that of all other regions and the global average of 0.1%.

Email Marketing Statistics by Industry

16. B2C marketing emails had the highest unique open rate in the first half of 2020.

Globally, email marketing metrics varied by type of sender during January-June 2020:

17. 78% of B2B marketers adopted email as a digital marketing channel in 2021.

The top digital channels aside from email adopted by marketers as of August 2021 were:

  • Digital ads (93%)
  • Social media (92%)
  • Digital content (90%)
  • Video (89%)
  • Website or app (86%)
  • Events and sponsorships (85%)

18. In 2020, 39% of marketers felt that email marketing effectiveness held steady.

While nearly four in ten B2B and B2C marketers around the world agreed that email marketing was as effective as ever in 2020, 30% said its effectiveness had been ticking up and 14% that it’d been dropping off.

However, 9% suggested that it’d been tumbling, whereas 8% that it’d been skyrocketing.

19. 36.1% of SMBs found that email marketing drove the most sales in 2021.

When it comes to the effectiveness of email marketing for small businesses, over one-third of such companies worldwide felt that it yielded the best success rate in 2021.

Of the other digital marketing channels, 18.9% of SMBs swore by social media, 11.2% cited landing pages, 8.3% relied on advertising, while 7.5% said that they sold the most via content marketing.

20. 47% of businesses implemented video in marketing emails as part of their B2B marketing strategy in 2020.

However, this was a decline from the 55% reported worldwide just two years prior.

21. By 2025, the daily number of emails exchanged globally is set to climb to 376.4 billion.

The volume of sent and received emails for both private and business reasons around the world is estimated to be 333.2 billion a day in 2022 and projected to continue growing steadily over the next quadrennial.

22. The value of the email marketing market is expected to increase to nearly $17.9 billion by 2027.

In 2020, the global email marketing revenue stood at USD $7.5 billion and was forecasted to climb over the next eight-year period at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3%.

23. In 2021. 5.1% of SEO professionals were dedicating their entire digital marketing budgets to email.

(Statista) (Litmus)

On the other end of the spectrum, 14.2% of search engine optimization experts weren’t spending any money on email.

However, 29% of them were spending a bit, 32.2% a moderate amount and 19.5% most of their budgets on it.

Nevertheless, in 2022, close to 37% of businesses intended to increase their spend on email, while only 1.3% to decrease it.

Is Email Marketing More Important Than Ever?

So, not only does email marketing work but it’s currently one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to engage existing and potential clients.

Therefore, it’s crucial for businesses to invest in email marketing in Australia. To do that, they may want to start with one of our reviews that answer the question “What is the best emailing software?”

  • Campaign Monitor
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