Friendships are a significant part of life. Friends lift you up in your worst moments and help celebrate your best. In Good Trouble, Callie and Mariana are exposed to new people that fill the gaps in their lives. From best friends to barely acquaintances, the characters of Good Trouble find a way to bring love, laughter, and drama into each other’s lives.

From the Coterie to work, everyone has someone to lean on when they need a friend. However, some friendships could use a little more work than others. While some bonded straight away, others struggle to find a rhythm and find a strong foundation.

Best: Alice and Everyone

Alice is the type of person that is nice to everyone. That type of mentality is what lands her to be friends with everyone in the Coterie. Alice is not judgmental or forward, more socially awkward, and wanting to have a fun time with her friends. Alice manages to stay out of everyone else’s drama for the most part and instead focuses on her relationship with Joey and a future in stand-up comedy.

Everyone tends to keep out of Alice’s way as well, not jumping into her business. However, they are all very supportive of her personal and professional life.

Worst: Callie and Gael

Callie and Gael share a connection through their artistic talents. For what they have in common, a friendship between them had the opportunity to work. However, their sexual relationship made being friends a problem. Callie’s difficulty choosing between Gael and Jamie only added to the tension.

When Callie chose Jamie, that did not remove the tension between Callie and Gael. Instead, there were still moments that suggested there were more feelings left between them than what they were admitting to. The constant drama between them made it difficult for Callie and Gael to have a friendship that had the room to flourish.

Best: Dennis and Davia

Some of Davia’s best qualities are brought out when she realizes that Dennis needs a steady friend to rely on. After an almost-suicide attempt, Davia takes it upon herself to watch out for Dennis by asking him to take part in group discussions. She is there for him when no one else is.

However, their dynamic is not one-sided. Dennis also comes to Davia’s rescue when she and Jeff are stuck in constant limbo. He also is a help to Davia when her mother comes to town.

Worst: Mariana and Gael

Mariana and Gael are the only two people that live at the Coterie that work at the same company. Even though they work in different departments, their shared co-workers and boss would give them a common ground. However, for the most part, these two hardly ever have a conversation.

Except for the occasional reference of Gael helping Mariana with an app presentation, which he drops the ball on, not much can be said for them. Although that may make sense given that Gael’s primary focus on the show is art while Mariana’s is in engineering.

Best: Callie and Mariana

Callie and Mariana had years worth of background coming off of The Fosters. They did not start out getting along but eventually found a rhythm looking at each other as best friends and sisters. They have been through a lot together and continue to face problems in their relationship. There have been moments where Callie and Mariana have been each other’s worst enemy as well as being each other’s greatest ally.

When it comes down to it, they may have their struggles, but they went from not wanting to share a bedroom to willingly and excitedly moving into a loft together. While things may not always be easy, Callie and Mariana always find a way to come back together.

Worst: Dennis and Nathan

Nathan is an old colleague of Dennis and the person Dennis turns to as a way to help Jesus fund a tiny house project. Dennis believed Nathan would be a steady financial backing for Jesus when he set the three of them up to have a meeting. Even though things look positive at first, it slowly goes downhill after Dennis tells his ex-wife that he would like half of the money from the sale of their old home.

In response, Nathan pulls back from helping Jesus telling Dennis that he was only assisting Jesus as a favor to Dennis because Dennis was giving up all the money to his ex-wife, Jennifer. It doesn’t end there, though, as Nathan reveals that he and Jennifer had started a relationship.

Best: Mariana and Fight Club

Working at a nearly all-male company highlights the issues Mariana has in society. Almost every employee is a white male, with a few exceptions. Angry at seeing the Speckulate like that, Mariana and the other women she works with band together to figure out a way to receive equal treatment and pay.

While they do hit occasional bumps in the road, such as not everyone immediately being on board for a racial column, they share an overall common goal and desire to stand up for the female employees. The women Mariana works with have even tried to help her in a moment referencing the film, Spartacus.

Worst: Callie and Ben

Callie and Ben work together under Judge Wilson’s clerkship until Callie leaves. While they work together, they are also competitive. The competitive streak does not stop at work. Instead, Ben had tried to dig out information about Callie’s personal life, such as where she lives and who she lives with.

After noticing a connection between Callie and Malika, he continues to look into Callie’s social media. Meanwhile, Callie is presumptuous about Ben’s background, believing that he could not have had any hardships if he is working for Judge Wilson. Their relationship is a constant back and forth of judgment.

Best: Callie and Malika

Malika and Callie have a connection through politics and social justice. While Malika is heavily involved in rallies for Jamal Thompson, Callie’s activism antics are placed on the sidelines to keep her job. Even so, Callie and Malika bond through discussing cases and social issues. Callie helps Malika when Malika’s father has problems at his apartment building.

Due to similar backgrounds in the foster system, Callie and Malika can relate to each other in ways Callie can not with other people. Even after Malika used Callie’s identification badge, the two talk it out and do not have hard feelings about it.

Worst: Callie and Davia

For someone who tends to make comments about self-acceptance and acceptance of people, Davia disregards those remarks when it comes to Callie. While everyone has their own story, Davia does not know Callie well, never tries to change that, and instead makes spiteful comments towards her. Davia has even said that she prefers Callie as drunk compared to sober.

Although Callie has said to Jamie that everyone at the Coterie are friends and look out for each other, Davia does not have a problem bad-mouthing Callie to everyone else.