Back in the ‘60s, a show was released called The Munsters that focused on an unconventional American family. The series starred Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis, Butch Patrick, and Beverly Owen/Pat Priest as members of the Munster family, who are all monsters (besides Marilyn). The series was created as a parody of shows like Leave It To Beaver as well as Universal’s classic monster movies that were released decades before.

The Munsters saw competition from ABC’s The Addams Family, but both shows are remembered fondly today. The Munsters has lived on over the years through re-runs, but some episodes are better than others on IMDb. Here are the 5 Best And Worst Episodes Of The Munsters (According To IMDb).

Best: “Herman’s Driving Test”- 8.2

Starting off with the positives, one of the best episodes of the series is “Herman’s Driving Test”. This was the 11th episode of season 2, which aired on November 25th, 1965. In order for Herman to get a promotion at his job as a hearse driver, Herman has to take a driver’s test to get a commercial driver’s license.

Trying to cheat the system, Grandpa accompanies Herman to a shady DMV, knowing the magistrate there won’t be tough to outwit. The episode went over well with fans due to Grandpa’s impatience with Herman, as well as Herman’s inability to focus on the task at hand.

Worst: “Dance with Me, Herman”- 7.3

The 22nd episode of season 1 titled “Dance with Me, Herman” comes in at a 7.3, which despite not being that low, is still one of the worst-rated episodes of the series. When Herman and Lily find out that Marilyn didn’t invite them to parents night at her school because of the dancing portion of the night, Herman decides to take dancing lessons.

While his intentions are good, he gets scammed into signing up for 10 years worth of classes by two con artists, played by Don Rickles and Joyce Jameson. The episode employs slapstick comedy when Herman is trying to dance, but people ultimately felt like Rickles was underutilized when it came to comedy.

Best: “A Visit From The Teacher”- 8.2

On May 12, 1966, the episode “A Visit From the Teacher” came on the air. Much like The Addams Family, The Munsters was built on the premise of a macabre family that doesn’t understand why people are afraid of them. When Eddie writes a school paper, his teacher and principal become concerned and go to see his parents at their home.

This episode taps back into the original idea that started the show, which was an adequate way to end the season and the series. “A Visit From the Teacher” was the series finale of The Munsters, but thankfully it didn’t fall flat.

Worst: “Eddie’s Brother”- 7.2

Another lackluster episode in the series was the 27th episode of season 2. In this episode, Eddie wants a baby brother so that he can have a new playmate. Herman tries to convince Lily to have another child, while Grandpa is already at work constructing a robot named Boris. Eddie quickly becomes jealous of the robot, thinking his parents love Grandpa’s creation more than him. The episode tries to hard to infuse Sci-Fi elements into the show, while also relying too much on slapstick comedy. By the end of the episode, Eddie has made up with his parents, but that doesn’t save the rest of the episode.

Best: “The Most Beautiful Ghoul In The World”- 8.2

In “The Most Beautiful Ghoul In The World” the Munsters inherit $100,000 from one of their cousins named Wolverine. The family members can’t agree on what to spend the money on, so they split it 50/50, with Marilyn and Lily opening a beauty salon and Herman and Grandpa using their half to fund a new experiment.

Things don’t go according to plan when Marilyn and Lily open their store, as their definition of beauty is very different than most people. By the end of the episode, the family realizes they should have done something together with the $100,000, which ends the episode on a heartwarming note.

Worst: “Grandpa Leaves Home”- 7.2

Appropriately titled, the 14th episode of the series called “Grandpa Leaves Home” shows the character leaving the house on a quest to become a night club manager. Things, like usual, don’t go according to plan, with everyone thinking that the Munsters are actually just wearing makeup and that they aren’t actually monsters.

The main issue people had with this episode was that it was too similar to the previous episode, which was called “Family Portrait”. It’s always entertaining when the Munsters go out in public since they are always stared at, but the episode was just released too close to another episode with a similar plot.

Best: “Just Another Pretty Face”- 8.3

“Just Another Pretty Face” is often cited as one of the best episodes in the series, which its IMDb score indicates. In this episode, Herman is struck by a bolt of lightning and turns into a horrifying monster (a.k.a. a human).

Grandpa gets blueprints to Herman’s body from Dr. Frankenstein, which he is able to use to turn Herman back to his “normal” self by the end of the episode. “Just Another Pretty Face” is memorable not only because it shows Fred Gwynne without his makeup and prosthetics, but also because of the many shout outs to the movie Frankenstein.

Worst: “Knock Wood, Here Comes Charlie”- 7.1

In the episode “Knock Wood, Here Comes Charlie”, Herman is revealed to have a brother named Charlie. Charlie looks exactly like Herman, because he is also played by Fred Gwynne. Charlie comes to town with a machine that he claims can pull uranium from seawater.

Charlie is a con artist and sells the fake machine to a poor old lady, not knowing that Grandpa had actually made it work. While Herman’s family is an interesting concept to explore, it doesn’t make a lot of sense since Frankenstein is made from multiple people’s body parts. None the less, the writers should have given Charlie more character development.

Best: “Herman the Rookie”- 8.3

The best-rated episode of The Munsters on IMDb, taking into account the number of user ratings, is “Herman the Rookie”. This episode comes near the end of season 1 and shows Herman being offered a position on the Dodgers baseball team. When Herman goes to practice, the other players are afraid to play with him based on how powerful he is.

Herman also destroys parts of the stadium including the scoreboard and a fence, which ends with a failed practice. Herman returns home to be comforted by his family. This episode not only includes a silly plot (in a good way), but it also ends with a scene that shows how important family is to Herman.

Worst: “My Fair Munster”- 6.5

The worst-rated episode of The Munsters is actually the unreleased pilot called “My Fair Munster”. This episode has a lot of changes from what actually appeared in the show. The most apparent change is that “My Fair Munster” is actually in color, which wasn’t the case for the rest of the series.

Before Yvonne De Carlo was cast in the role, Joan Marshall played Phoebe Munster, which was then later renamed Lily Munster. Eddie was also played by another actor named Nate Derman. In the end, CBS changed up quite a bit before the show hit the air, which seemed to be a good idea based on the IMDb score for this episode.

Next: The Munsters TV Show Reboot Being Developed by Seth Meyers