It’s been just over a week since the season finale of the hit HBO show Watchmen. Over the course of the show, the usual speculation started, as it does with any massive TV series based on a comic book story.

There were plenty of fan theories that emerged over the course of these last couple of months, however not all of them were right; although some were completely on the money. Here’s 5 fan theories that were correct and 5 that were completely wrong.


There was a long period of time were the casting for the show was slowly released. During that time period, John Cena posted a picture on his social media, of Dr Manhattan. At the time, this was almost taken as confirmation that he would be playing the blue god.

Although that assumption was fair enough considering the social media posts, we’re not totally sure why Cena put out this image. It turned out he was not the actor cast in the role at all and in fact had absolutely no part to play in the show.


Before the show had even started it was heavily speculated that Ozymandias would be making a return to the franchise. Although the first few episodes strongly hinted at him still being alive, we weren’t immediately told that Jeremy Irons was playing the smartest man alive.

However, as soon as the actor was cast in the series, people assumed that he would be playing a much older version of Adrian Veidt. Since day one they were completely right and it was a joy to see Irons take on this iconic role.


There were also fan theories going around that we’d already met Dr Manhattan. His identity reveal was one of the biggest surprises of the show but it certainly wasn’t what anyone was actually expecting. Many had come up with theories about Will.

There was always speculation that Will could actually be Dr Manhattan in disguise and that was why he had survived to such an old age and had the ability to kill Judd Crawford. Of course the reality was actually that he was Hooded Justice.


Early on, it was unclear where Adrian Veidt actually was. However, the first fan theories speculated that he was imprisoned in some way. this was of course correct. The next line of argumentation was that Dr Manhattan had sent him there.

This was also correct, although he had been sent there by his own will. The final theory was that Veidt was in space and trying to escape, which was all true. The Ozymandias fan theories were really accurate throughout the whole season.


The identity of the Game Warden was another point of mass speculation. With all the clones populating the land that Veidt lived on and serving him in every way, there was speculation that the Game Warden would actually be someone different.

Perhaps he was created by Dr Manhattan to keep Veidt from escaping. Maybe he was someone else imprisoned in this land. The truth is, he was just another clone that Veidt chose as his adversary to stop him from getting bored and going insane.


We’ve already spoken about the speculation that Dr Manhattan could have been Will, but there was another fan theory linked to this that was completely accurate. The show announced that Dr Manhattan could absolutely not turn into a human.

Of course, this was an easter egg of sorts, telling us that really he could turn into a human and was perhaps living on Earth. This is why the identity of the man became an obsession because the fan theory that he was living on Earth was so truthful.


Cloning was something firmly established in this universe, after Lady Trieu revealed it, as well as the clones living with Adrian Veidt. There was speculation that other people in the series could also be clones. For some reason, this major fan theory started.

Some people believed that Angela was actually a clone. While it was in truth Lady Trieu’s daughter/mother that was the clone, this fan theory actually picked up a lot of traction. As far as we know though, this is not true in any capacity.


There was a fan theory for quite some time that Looking Glass was actually a traitor in the ranks and part of the Seventh Kavalry. This turned out not to be true, but it appeared that he might have started working for them, or at least was manipulated by them.

In actuality, Looking Glass found his redemption by killing members of the group in his house, before coming to the rescue of Laurie Blake and playing a part in the final arrest of Ozymandias. Fans always knew that he’d come around in the end.


Lady Trieu could have really been anyone. Some fans assumed she was actually just a new character to the series, without any ties to the wider universe. This didn’t answer why she now owned parts of the company that Veidt left behind.

There were also rumors that perhaps she was a child mentioned in the original Watchmen comic, or someone linked heavily to the war in Vietnam. In truth she was the daughter of Ozymandias, something no one really saw coming.


The series was clearly leading to a huge moment and fans were slightly scared about what that could be. With a giant clock built by Lady Trieu, a master plan from the Seventh Kavalry and constant mentions of Dr Manhattan, they were clearly all linked.

It was speculated on that perhaps the last moments of the series would see this blue god actually killed on screen. This would shift the status quo dramatically. This of course turned out to be true, but no one saw that the powers could be passed onto Angela.