In Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the Academy of Unseen Arts and Baxter High seem like night and day at first glance. One is an unholy place where teens hone their witchy powers and witches occasionally eat witches. The other is a high school where teens supposedly prepare for life and teens eat other teens alive, metaphorically speaking, on a daily basis. In that light, are they really that different?

With this in mind, plenty of the witches at the Academy would fit in at Baxter High, with Sabrina herself being the most obvious example. While Harvey Kinkle certainly wouldn’t want to attend classes at the Academy, there are several other students at Baxter who would do well there. Find out which human students would fit at the witch’s academy and which witches could join a normal human school unnoticed.

Academy: Roz

The most obvious student who would transfer well into Academy life is Rosalind Walker. With her Cunning, she wields a bit of magic on her own and she’s helped Sabrina through many a sticky situation. By now Roz wouldn’t bat at eye at many of the Academy’s rituals and her feminist attitude would work well with the Church of Night under Auntie Zelda’s leadership.

Roz is also just a fierce force to be reckoned with, making her a good candidate who would be able to survive the Academy in one piece. She might even start a club for people with divination abilities.

Baxter: Prudence

Prudence Blackwood has the most teenage experience of any witch at the Academy of Unseen Arts as the leader of the most popular group of girls at school. She’s conniving, malicious and vindictive, making her a good fit for just about any high school. What’s more is that Prudence is a shrewd student who learns not only the lay of the land but from her own mistakes.

It’s likely that Prudence would have both the students and faculty at Baxter High eating from her hand, and when she graduated she certainly wouldn’t be stuck in Greendale for the rest of her life.

Academy: Billy Marlin

Along with his buddies Carl Tapper, Ed Dursley, and Seth Grinwis, Billy Marlin would fit right in at the Academy of Unseen Arts due to his lack of moral compass. He’s one of Theo’s worst bullies prior to the young man’s transition, and he’s such a reprehensible character that Sabrina even stoops to asking the Weird Sisters to help her stop him and his pals from bullying her friend.

Like many teens, Billy’s homophobia and transphobia is associated with childhood trauma and the abuse his parents refused to believe. Ultimately, he and the others learn their lesson but they would be able to hold their own at the Academy.

Baxter: Nick

Nick Scratch is charming, deceitful and handsome, so of course he’d do well in an American high school. In fact, he’d be a natural leader many students would happily follow, and he’d be able to make positive changes if he had someone like Sabrina by his side.

Without the influence of the Dark Lord or his devotion to Sabrina behind him anymore, it will be interesting to see where Nick’s path leads him during the next installment of the show. We might infer that he and Prudence will be teaming up somehow, which would probably work well in either school.

Academy: Robin Goodfellow

Although Robin’s technically not a human but a hobgoblin, he does pose as a human as he attends Baxter High in search of a virgin to sacrifice for the resurrection of the Green Man in the third installment of the show. Luckily for us, he’s not as deeply in cahoots with the pagans as we think, and after he falls in love with Theo there’s really no going back.

While we’re stoked that adorable Robin is one of the good guys, that streak of hobgoblin magic would make him fit into the Academy quite well. We could even see him attending in the future.

Baxter: Dorcas & Agatha

Like their sister, both Dorcas and Agatha are already very much like the popular girls at any given high school, and both of them would fit in well at Baxter High. They’d probably make their way through the football team, whether through dating, tormenting or both. They would probably love experimenting with mortal fashion, attending dances and even performing experiments in chemistry or biology.

Sadly, neither of the girls will likely attend either school after the events of the third season, since Agatha went mad upon seeing the god Pan and took her sister’s life. She’s serving Faustus Blackwood rather than her church at the moment.

Academy: Theo

Theo Putnam may not be the witchiest character on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, but he’s certainly the scrappiest. He’s proven his mettle time and time again, whether it was dealing with his uncle Jesse’s demon and stint in Hell or communing with the spirit of his ancestor Dorothea. Theo can definitely handle much of what the Academy would have in store.

Like the witches, Theo also understands what it feels like to be different from everyone else. Theo’s also the mortal who attracted a otherworldly being in Robin the hobgoblin and the person who was able to befriend previously unkind people, making him one of the most adaptable characters.

Baxter: Quentin

Poor Quentin is one of the most tragic characters on the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Taken from his life at an early age during his Harrowing, or violent hazing, at the Academy of Unseen Arts, he and many other children haunt the grounds until they and Sabrina help one another and put an end to harrowing on campus once and for all.

Quentin and all of his fellow ghost students would do much better at Baxter High, where they would have at least been able to live longer lives and been given a better chance at making it, bullied or not.

Academy: Jasmine

During the third installment of Sabrina, fans got to know Jasmine Vega a bit. Roz and Sabrina really enjoyed their time with the cheerleading squad captain, and while Jasmine doesn’t seem like the sharpest tool in the shed from what we know about her, we do know that she was able to generate enough power with her squad to help recharge the witches of the Academy of Unseen Arts when their own powers dwindled down to nearly nothing.

Jasmine is pretty, popular and friendly, so she really might be able to make it anywhere. The fact that she was game in performing at the Academy in the first place makes her more than what she seems.

Baxter: Melvin

Melvin used to be a big joke at the Academy. Sabrina and Nick thought it hilarious when they tricked Dorcas into hooking up with him during season two’s Lupercalia event, but their stunt, even if it was to keep Dorcas from accessing Nick, was in poor taste–not only in tricking Dorcas into sleeping with someone she didn’t choose, but in using Melvin as some sort of “punishment.”

Melvin has come a long way since the first season, and while he’d probably do well in a high school environment, as Elspeth would have had she made it through the third season.