Harrison Ford has played a lot of iconic roles that we still very much appreciate and admire today. A young Harrison Ford had the swagger, the looks, and the skills to make any role iconic and have people gawking over him.

In his long career, there are two roles that made him the celebrated actor he is today and has created franchises we still celebrate. These two roles were Han Solo in Star Wars and Indiana Jones in the Indiana Jones franchise. Both characters are bigger than this world and serve as some of Ford’s most iconic roles, but which one is his absolute best role? Were going to answer whether it was Indiana Jones or Han Solo.

Indiana Jones: His Accomplishments

Indy made a living and gained his fame from all his great accomplishments even though he’s a mild-mannered professor by day. From discovering a long lost religious relic to finding an ancient alien civilization, he has seen it all.

Although he’s never been to space like Han, he’s been all around the world and has mastered several languages and acquired knowledge from all over the world.

Han Solo: Popularity

Indiana Jones became a household name with the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark but when it comes to Star Wars, there aren’t a lot of franchises that stand a chance against it.

Although both franchises were created by George Lucas, Star Wars and Han Solo outshined nay and his adventures. Look around media, we always see Han Solo memes, we fantasized about spending time with the cool and relaxed Han long before we thought of Indy.

Indiana Jones:  More Adventures

Indy has a habit of getting himself into sticky situations, whether it be fighting Nazis or being possessed by an evil God through ritual, his adventures are very intriguing.

He makes his living off exploring and playing it safe is not in the cards for him, he dares to go into areas no one else does.

Although Han has had his own adventures, he tends to stay away from attention and only concern himself when it’s about money.

Han Solo: Saving More Lives

When it comes to being a hero, Han Solo is often the last name you hear, but the scruffy-looking nerf herder has seen battle and has been a rebel hero that has saved his friends on several occasions.

When it comes to putting his life on the line he may not be the first to line up but when it comes to Luke or Leia, he’ll sacrifice himself 10/10 times. He also played a big role in saving the rebellion, saving potentially millions of lives.

Indiana Jones: More Selfless

Han may be an unlikely hero but his bedside manner could use some work. When we first meet Han in A New Hope, he only agrees to help the princess when he is promised a handsome reward and is constantly bickering with the Princess and Luke about his anterior motives to only look out for himself.

When Indy goes out to find a lost relic or hidden city, he rarely does it for fame and fortune, but rather to prevent others from getting it for their own selfish motives or because he wants to return the item to its rightful owner.

We see him agree to bring back the ancient rocks in Temple of Doom just because he knew how important the stones were to the small village and didn’t ask for anything in return.

Han Solo: Better Sidekick(s)

Indy has a track record for being a womanizer, having a different love interest in almost every movie. Some use their skills to help Indy, some are thrown into the fire, and some even betray Indy. Besides the women in his life, he has had plenty of partners including the lovable Short Round and Sallah, but none compare to the Wookie Chewbacca.

Chewie is a lot of things, a pilot, a warrior, a rebel, but most importantly he’s been a loyal friend to Han Solo and has been on every one of his adventures.

For someone as selfish as Han, it’s rare for him to show how much he cares, but with Chewie, you know the love is there.

Indiana Jones: Respect

In the Indyverse, Indiana Jones is well known for his exploration and is well respected among other archaeologists and peers alike. Whenever someone has a problem or needs help finding something they usually go to Indy to get the job done and he rarely lets them down.

Han may be more popular in pop culture but in the galaxy, he’s known as a smuggler, a conman, and is often running from others trying to kill him.

Han Solo: Combat

Both Indy and Han know their way around a fight but Han is literally known for his blaster skills as well as his experience commanding the rebellion as a general.

He’s well respected as a war hero and has had a big role in destroying both Death Stars. Although you wouldn’t want to mess with Indy one on one, he’s not a tactician by any stretch of the imagination.

Indiana Jones: Wardrobe

Han has a sure signature look, always sporting the same jacket and outfit that lets everyone know who he is. We almost never see him change his look, even in his later years in The Force Awakens.

Indy also sort of has a signature look but besides exploring has a vast eye for dressing sharply in the wool and tweed suits and the bowtie to match his handsome professor look.

Han Solo: Love Interest

Like we mentioned before, Indy has a way with women and doesn’t find the love of his life until his late 60s with Marion Ravenwood.

As bada** as Marion is she doesn’t compare to Princess Leia, who is literally royalty. Leia is powerful with the force, a leader of the rebellion and a woman who won’t back away from any challenge which makes her well respected across the galaxy.

Although she is often tearing her hair out with Han, they still love each other and even have a son. As two of the most stubborn and assertive characters in Star Wars, they were a match made in heaven.