In 2017, Get Out made major ripples in the horror genre. Director Jordan Peele showed everyone that horror still have so much to explore in terms of what we fear. He made genius little details that fans could find all over the film in terms of racial commentary.

Since the film hit the big screen, many rumors have been circulating about a sequel to Get Out. What we know is that there are no plans to make a sequel, at least for now. Despite Peele having no intention to create a sequel, fans still debate what a sequel would be like.

The question is, should Peele change his mind and try making a follow-up? Well, here are five reasons why he should change his mind and and five reasons why Get Out should not have a sequel.

Should Change His Mind: There Is Still A Lot To Learn About The Villains

The villains were a source of the movie’s major twist, and there is still a lot we don’t know about them. The Armitage family kidnap, sell, and transfer the consciousness of their white buyers into their black victims. There are theories that the family dates back to the Knights Templar, which is fascinating. There is the question of how long they have committed their evil schemes and how many victims they have claimed. Have we truly seen all that this family is capable of?

There are also theories that Us takes place in the same universe as Get Out, and that the Armitage family could be connected to the scientists that created doppelgangers.

No Sequel: Get Out Is Already Perfect On Its Own

Nothing is missing in Get Out. There may be some loose ends you can work with for a sequel, but on its own, the film is perfect. The villains have been dealt with; Rose is dead and Chris escaped. The movie has succeeded in what it wanted to do, which was tell a creative horror story about racism and white privilege.

Should Change His Mind: It Will Likely Make A Ton Of Money

Get Out was a major financial success. It cost $4.5 million to make and made $255.5 million. That is about 63 times the amount it took to make the film. Talk about a crazy amount of profit.

Now, good films are not made from only the desire for profit. You need to be motivated by a story worth telling. However, we cannot deny that a lot of sequels are made with the intention of getting more money. With the numbers Get Out brought, there is no doubt that a sequel would also be financially successful.

No Sequel: We Want To See More New Stories

Making a sequel may feel like a step backwards for Peele. His more recent film, Us, was incredible and it was another original horror idea. After seeing Us, what other original ideas are there for Peele to offer? The director himself has mentioned that films with black actors and actresses as main characters are too often just about being black. In Us, he wanted to make a film where the main characters’ race isn’t what defined them. With that in mind, would he be comfortable in making more of Get Out or would he rather move forward and make more films like Us?

Should Change His Mind: The Sequel Could Actually Be An Interesting Prequel

While the villains are defeated at the end of Get Out, there are still possibilities for a good story in a sequel. One such way is by actually making a prequel. This would allow the Armitage family to still exist and commit their crimes. However, would it just be the same story all over again? It would be up to Peele to still somehow surprise the audience. The prequel could even be about the rise of the family and how they developed their mad science of putting one persons’ consciousness inside another’s body.

No Sequel: The Twist Has Already Been Revealed

The big twist in Get Out is that the family is selling people and moving white buyer’s consciousnesses into them. How do you outdo that twist? It was a major reveal, and the movie builds up to it at a steady and chilling pace. With that twist already now known, what do you put in a sequel? Get Out is definitely not an easy movie to live up to.

Should Change His Mind: He Has A Loyal Following

Peele has a ton of respect from the actors he works with. In many of their interviews, they have said that once they hear a movie is directed by Peele, they are on board. If he did decide to make a sequel, he would have a lot of talented people backing him up. Not only would they be on board, but they would be excited. Not every director has that.

No Sequel: Less Creative Freedom

This goes for making a sequel for anything. Your audience will already have expectations that you will need to live up to, which means you have less creative freedom. Peele would have to work with old ideas instead of new.

This can be way more difficult than just coming up with an entirely new idea, and that is why a lot of films, books, and other forms of media don’t get sequels.

Should Change His Mind: Society Needs More Movies Like Get Out

Horror movies should not just be jump scares, monsters, and and mindless violence. Get Out was special because it utilized a topic that many Americans are anxious about: racism. It also stars black actors as the protagonists, which is still lacking in the film world. Peele can do more of all that without making a sequel. However, there are films that got sequels that were not even half as good as Get Out. If there is anything fans want to see more of, it’s Get Out rather than another Saw movie.

No Sequel: If It’s Not Good, It Could Mess Up His Reputation

Peele is at the top of his game, which is great. However, that does mean he has a reputation to live up to. If he does make a sequel and it goes poorly, he might loose a lot of the credibility he has built. Sometimes to have the money to make original projects, you have to lean back on old ones, and that can be a dangerous game if you don’t do it right.

No pressure, Peele.