First Blood hit theaters in 1982, elevating Sylvester Stallone’s already successful career and making John Rambo one of the decade’s most iconic characters. Two sequels followed within the next several years, and then the character went dormant until 2008’s Rambo, which was a return to the hard hitting drama of the first film. Now, eleven years since audiences last saw the character, Stallone is bringing him back for Rambo: Last Blood. The first trailer hit a few a weeks ago, and looks promising, but people still have a few questions. In That spirit, here are five reasons to be excited for the upcoming film, and five things we’re still worried about.

Worried About: Cliched Bad Guys

John Rambo’s latest will see him rescue a friends daughter from a cartel in Mexico. Cartels have too often played the villain in action films. At best they come off as derivative, and at worst they give people a misguided impression of Mexico.

In the first film, the antagonists were intolerant police officers, and in the 2008 movie they were an oppressive military regime in a country most audiences weren’t aware of. Using cartels is like an action movie from the ’80s where the hero fights the Russian army, like in Rambo III.

Excited: It’s Rated R

This is always a worry when a new action movie is announced. Will they tone down the series’ trademark violence to increase its audience? Thankfully, Stallone recently announced that Last Blood will be a hard R.

It’ll be hard to top the carnage present in Rambo, but we’re now confident the violence will bring a satisfying level of intensity. It’s not that every fan of the character is a gore hound, but neutering the violence in a war movie takes something away from its impact.

Worried About: Living Up To Rambo

The original trilogy saw diminishing returns. First Blood is a masterpiece, Its sequel is a solid action movie lacking the first one’s social awareness, and Rambo III borders on parody. 2008’s Rambo brings it all back home, delivering one of the most intense action films of the decade along with a compelling plot.

It also wrapped up the series nicely, giving the character much needed closure. Now they are bringing him back, and living up to that last film will be hard.

Excited: Seeing Rambo Home Again

Last Blood takes place in the United States and Mexico. The last time the character utilized his skills on that side of the world was in his debut feature more than thirty-five years ago. Seeing him kicking butt in the Americas again will surely be a breath of fresh air to the series, along with making him utilize his environment in different ways. As a soldier, he used the jungles and deserts as weapons to stunning affect. Now, he’ll have to make due with farm equipment. He’ll probably do just fine with those, too.

Worried About: Plot

First Blood isn’t just about an intolerant police force giving a homeless drifter trouble. It’s about soldiers bringing the trauma from war back home with them. Will the new film just be an excuse to rip people to shreds, or will it give audiences something to think about? As of now, it seems cut and dry, but hopefully there will be more in the final film. Perhaps the plot gets more complicated than just mowing down a drug cartel. If it’s not, at least some decent action will thoroughly entertain, but it won’t reach the same heights as First Blood.

Excited: The Director’s Pedigree

Stallone won’t be helming this one. Instead, he handed the reigns over to Adrian Grunberg. His only prior feature film credit is Get the Gringo starring Mel Gibson. This is promising enough, but a look at his second unit and assistant director credits makes his addition to the crew even more exciting.

He has worked on such films like Apocalypto,Man on Fire, and Edge of Darkness. All of these works show that he is more than ready to take on the iconic action franchise.

Worried About: Looking Cheap

We don’t really know the budget of Last Blood, but whatever the case, they better do their best to make the action look as good as possible. 2008’s Rambo managed to look great with its action sequences and convincing use of CGI blood, so this film should follow suit. Safety concerns are understandable, but computer generated explosions and flames never look as good as the real thing. Most of the action films Sylvester Stallone has done have managed to look great, so Last Blood should be no exception.

Excited About: Stallone Is Writing

Stallone started writing as a way to make characters he wanted to play. With his stature and voice, people only wanted to have him play thugs and muscles. When he wrote Rocky, it was a role with depth and nuance.

The actor has also had a lot of impact on John Rambo, penning several of the screenplays and constantly contributing ideas. Fortunately, Stallone wrote the screenplay to Last Blood with Matthew Cirulnick. He knows the character better than most, and knows where to take him for his next cinematic journey.

Worried About: Changing The Character

While people should be confident that Stallone knows what’s best for the character, there is still a chance that meddling from other sources has had an effect on the movie. Rambo looks different in this film, having cut his hair, but that doesn’t mean the character changed. However, what if this Rambo only resembles the prior films’ lead in name only? What more is there to say about the legendary soldier? At best it really will add to the series, and at worst it will be forgettable and people can just consider Rambo the last film.

Excited: Trailer

The film hasn’t come out yet, so everything is still on the table. With that being said, the trailer has assuaged many concerns. Of course, these previews can easily deceive, but at least it gives people something to be excited about. Nothing shown is egregious or silly, and Stallone looks like he’s giving it his all in the performance. On top of that, glimpses of huge explosions and massive firefights pop up briefly. Maybe a red band trailer will show up soon, but this is already enough to hold people over until September.

Next: 10 Things We Learned From The Last Blood Trailer