Both Harry Potter and The Hunger Games are incredibly influential franchises for young adults. The books, films and various other spin-off products have resulted in a world in which massive fan groups have been created around the two brands.

Both of them are successful in their own right and each of them have contributed massively to wider pop culture. But which of them is the definitive saga for young adults? Here’s a list with 5 points in support of each!


The Hunger Games has had a significant run in both the realm of novels and films. It’s taken over the world with its massive 3 books and 4 films. It’s a franchise with a lot of longevity and books that have widely been regarded as the peak of its genre.

The films were also hugely financially and critically successful, although it is fair to say that the final installment left many people disappointed. Despite this, it’s fair to say the amount of content showcases how important it is to fans.


However, Harry Potter has actually had more instalments into its franchise. While there is an argument here that Hunger Games is more impactful in a shorter amount of time, the number of books and films showcase this is an ongoing success.

The number of people interested in both the books and films increased with every release. Whereas with other franchises we’ve seen a drop off in numbers, the saga managed to keep fans inspired and interested right to the very end.


The dystopic series based on teenagers that must fight to the death in a televised competition has also spawned an upcoming spin-off novel. The 3 books just weren’t enough for fans and this universe is still being further developed by the talented Suzanne Collins.

There’s obviously very much a demand for this novel and fans have been delighted with it’s creation. Despite some years passing since the franchise has finished, it’s powerful that a return to this world has garnered so much excitement.


However, much like the world of Katniss, Harry has also had a spin-off to his own tale. The play, The Cursed Child, has continued the narrative and allowed J.K. Rowling to move into the world of writing scripts for the stage in the West End and Broadway.

The play has been a mega success, with the movement into theatres showing how versatile the franchise really is. The appetite for the Wizarding World has not diminished and we wonder if Hunger Games would be adaptable to the stage.


Huge movie franchises can often be associated with the launch of a mega star. If that star is popular and continues to garner other work, they are often associated with that initial project. However, the actor or actress can also become synonymous with that culture event.

The franchise allowed Jennifer Lawrence to be launched into the stratosphere and become a major player within Hollywood. This shows just how definitive the series actually was, with the actress associated with this role becoming a huge star for this generation.


The Wizarding World continues to expand despite the main series having finished. This is true with the Fantastic Beasts franchise, that tells the story of Newt Scamander and the wizarding war, fought over the divide between the magical and muggle world.

This series shows that fans can’t quite let go of the series. The financial success of the newest spin-off makes it seem like the Wizarding World will be the major franchise for any young adult born into the era and will continue to be so for some time, as the last 3 films emerge.


The Hunger Games has a major plot that revolves around the love story between Katniss and Peeta, as well as Gale the third wheel. It’s a defining part of the narrative and a series of relationships that fans have become completely obsessed with.

There’s no relationship quite like this in the Wizarding World. Sure, Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione get together eventually but there’s something powerful about these couplings and the way they resonated with young adults when they read about the trio.


The casting of these magical films was pure genius and allowed fans to grow up with their favorite characters. The golden trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione aged across both the books and the films as these young adults read and watched them.

This is incredibly powerful and there’s a huge element of being able to relate to these iconic characters. The actors have become huge stars, perhaps bigger than Jennifer Lawrence and will forever represent an era in British cinema.



The Hunger Games took the dystopian genre that is so overdone and managed to stand out amongst the competition. It’s difficult to create a novel within a genre that’s overplayed and yet still be able to contribute something new and different to the conversation.

Not only did this series do so, but many of the themes within the books could actually feel quite relevant to today’s political landscape. That’s very important for young adults who can see aspects of their world reflected back at them in the pages they read.


The fans of the Wizarding World never seem to decrease in number. While it could be accurate to suggest that the Hunger Games fandom has died down slightly, which may be to do with the lack of new content currently, HP fans are always increasing.

This is a fandom so large that there’s now a theme park dedicated to the franchise. There’s countless shops based on the series and you can even go on a studio tour. This is unparalleled compared to The Hunger Games and the cultural impact makes it seem like it’s the definitive young adult saga.