One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…Or is he? The popular horror franchise is constantly being rumored to be remade for the modern audience, but so far nothing has been committed to officially. However, it does feel inevitable that another Nightmare On Elm Street movie will be made one day.

The popular slasher horror that sees the disfigured Freddy Krueger enter the nightmare of different reens to hunt them down and murder them has always been a hit with horror fans. Constantly doing well at the box office and certainly providing tons of scares in the process. The idea of another movie might be obvious, but it is one that does divide many people. For some, they are clamoring out for one more movie from this world, while others are hoping that day never comes. So with that in mind, we will list five reasons why there should be one more, and five reasons why there shouldn’t.

Do: Iconic

One of the main reasons that a brand new Nightmare On Elm Street movie should be created is because of how iconic the movie and Freddy Krueger in particular is. Fans simply do not get tired of seeing a classic character like him and he is never not terrifying.

There’s just something about Freddy and his sassy one-liners that don’t seem to get old. Because of that most people would be happy to see another movie and it would no doubt perform well at the box office as the iconic image of the slasher villain would attract audiences.

Don’t: Spoiling The Legacy

Anytime a decision is made to bring a popular movie back in a remake, there is always an element of fear from fans of the original that they will mess up the character. Freddy Krueger is one of those characters who have such a detailed and impressive legacy with a legion of fans that it would concern some people if a new one was made.

While the success of IT might be enough to prove that it can work, not every remake ends up being that way. Sometimes the same tone and success cannot be replicated, and that can make people look back on a franchise in a negative way, which nobody wants to happen.

Do: The Knowledge Of Sleep

This is a slightly strange point, but it is certainly true as people are now more aware than ever about sleep. Obviously, the entire franchise is built around that, with Freddy Krueger getting into people’s nightmares when they drift off, and with all the knowledge that is now available, there’s a lot of new story potential.

There is so much information known now about different issues people can have in regards to sleep, and seeing this tackled in a horror environment would be refreshing. It’s exactly the sort of decision that would need to be made in order to keep this franchise fresh with a new film.

Don’t: The Last Movie

The last time Nightmare On Elm Street was remade was in 2010, with the franchise being brought back for a fresh audience. Of course, the movie was full of scares and saw Freddy Krueger causing all sorts of mayhem, but unfortunately, the movie received many negative reviews.

Overall, it was seen as a poor movie and one that didn’t live up to the lofty heights of the original. Because of that, there perhaps isn’t as many people desperate to see the movie reborn again as some might think, as the most recent version just didn’t do well.

Do: ASMR Death

Another reason that a brand new Nightmare On Elm Street movie would work is due to the rise in popularity of ASMR. This is becoming a popular trend on YouTube which sees content creators make videos whispering with the intention of putting someone to sleep.

This is something that a brand new movie could capitalise on as its incredibly popular right now, with videos getting millions of views. While you couldn’t do a full movie around this, seeing perhaps one of the deaths use this would certainly be a fun way of keeping the franchise fresh.

Don’t: It May Work Better As A Series

Nowadays, television has become just as popular and influential as movies with the rise of Netflix and other streaming services. Because of that, we are now seeing major franchises go directly to the television, with huge A-List actors having no issues with taking on the projects.

This is why a Nightmare On Elm Street series would certainly be possible. This could also be done better than a movie as well as it provides more time for the mythology behind Freddy himself, which could be scarier than the actual kills if done correctly.

Do: Old School Is New School

Nightmare On Elm Street is obviously a very well known and historic horror property, and people might question the idea of bringing it back, but right now old school is new school. Old-school properties such as Star Wars and Ghostbusters are back, and popular once again to a brand new generation of viewers.

Even shows like Stranger Things, which is set back in the past are big hits, and therefore bringing the property back would work. We have seen it happen with the IT franchise, and Halloween, proving there’s a demand for old-school horror franchises to return, so why not bring this classic back as well?

Don’t: Horror Has Changed

Even though every now and then a horror movie will bring out a ‘monster’ like Freddy Krueger as IT proved, this decade has been all about ‘real’ events. Taking stories that people have claimed happened to them and turning it into something.

Or creating a situation like the Purge, where there is a slightly higher possibility of it actually happening than a monster in your nightmares. That won’t be the trend forever, but right now that’s certainly the case, which will make it harder for a new Nightmare movie to be created.

Do: A New Generation

For a certain generation of horror fans, the idea of another Nightmare On Elm Street might seem a little bit boring. But what they forget is, there are tons of people who have never had the chance of seeing Freddy Krueger in the cinema, having the true experience of this franchise with all the bells and whistles.

Sure, fans of horror can go back and watch some of the older movies on DVD, but it just isn’t the same. You can’t replicate the mood of being in the cinema and horror movies are always scarier in that environment, which is why a brand new movie would be perfect.

Don’t: The Need For Fresh Ideas

While a new Nightmare On Elm Street would obviously see some fresh ideas, a new story and different ways for Freddy to exact his torture on people, that doesn’t mean it’s fresh. Something that the horror genre in particular struggles with is creating unique ideas, providing audiences with something brand new to see.

Too often the franchise relies on past success with sequels, prequels and everything in between. While they normally end up being fine, it’s rare that they’re better than the original. People now want to see something totally different, with a new iconic character being created that can cause mayhem for the next decade, rather than relying on the past.