Slasher is a horror anthology series that began airing on Canadian TV in 2016 before Netflix bought the rights to the show and started producing newer episodes as an original series. The show has aired three seasons so far. Each season focuses on a completely new story with new characters and is focused on a new killer that is stalking and terrorizing the characters.

Although there isn’t news about whether or not season 4 is going to happen or what the theme will be just yet, we’re hopeful that Netflix has something up their sleeves for the next season. Since each season is its own story, there’s really no way of guessing what might happen or be included in the next season. But, we definitely have some things we’d like to see in a possible fourth season of Slasher and some we definitely don’t want Netflix to include.

To see 5 things we want to see in the fourth season of Slasher and 5 we don’t, keep reading!

Want: Netflix To Announce It Already!

Before we can even think about the things we want from a new season of Slasher, we need for Netflix to announce that it’s coming. Although Netflix definitely has their hands full with a ton of other original shows and movies that they’re working on, our hopes that this show is still on their list of upcoming releases are very high.

The third season of Slasher, subtitled Solstice, premiered on May 23rd, 2019, nearly two years after the second season, Guilty Party, came out in October of 2017. There was such a big gap between the other two seasons, so we’re not too worried about the fact that a fourth season hasn’t been put on the streaming service just yet.

Don’t Want: Any Old Characters To Return

This is something that doesn’t seem particularly likely for a lot of reasons, but we hope that Netflix doesn’t surprise us. Because the series is an anthology, there’s no connection between the seasons. Some of the talented actors and actresses that appear on the show have come back and played new characters in later seasons, but there’s no other connection and the characters they play in later seasons are completely fresh and new.

There are some anthologies that like to make references to past seasons or have older characters come back. That can be fun, but Slasher is best enjoyed with fresh characters in each season.

Want: A True Crime Twist

True crime shows and podcasts have become massively popular lately. Even Netflix has gotten in on the trend with documentaries like Don’t F*** With Cats causing some major waves around the Internet after it was released. Fans of Slasher will remember that the first season dipped its toes into the world of true crime, too.

As the first series unfolded, the main character became the subject of some media attention thanks to The Executioner. In the third season, one of the people living in the building was a blogger that was constantly posting updates about the Druid and its victims. Hopefully, the fourth season will find some way to pull the true crime trend into the storyline.

Don’t Want: A Remake Of A Classic Horror Film

Slasher is a show that takes a lot of inspiration and tropes from older horror films. Although they take inspiration from these classic slasher flicks, the show still manages to come up with completely unique and interesting storylines and plotlines for each new season.

While the inspiration is always there with things like a group of young people at a summer camp or a mysterious, masked killer that torments the daughter one of its past victims, the fact that the show is still unique and different makes it really fun to watch. With so many remakes being released these days, we definitely don’t want to see Slasher hop on that trend.

Want: A Supernatural Villain

No spoilers for people that haven’t caught up yet, but Slasher has so far taken a lot of cues from classic slasher flicks by having the villains be regular people. While there have definitely been some things about these killers that have made them scarier than a regular person, the show has yet to have a completely supernatural villain.

Hopefully, the fourth season will take a slight departure from the classic slasher movie tropes that we’ve seen the previous seasons use by giving us a supernatural villain. Whether it’s an ancient curse, a vengeful spirit, or something else, we’re totally hoping for a paranormal twist.

Don’t Want: A Twist That’s Too Predictable

This is one thing that Slasher has been really good about so far. Each season has a unique story and a villain all its own. And throughout the season, we’re left with tiny hints and clues as to who that villain could be and what exactly their motive is for tormenting the characters.

As the season goes on, viewers may be left with guesses as to who the killer is and why they’re doing this, but it’s never completely clear until the very end of the season when the show has the big reveal. It’s always a major surprise and we hope that season four continues with this trend by making the twist something interesting and surprising.

Want: More Social Commentary

A lot of horror movies include quite a big of social commentary and really shine a light on the world around us. Slasher is no exception and each season has had a little bit of examination on the world and the effects of the killings that were happening in each season.

This is especially true in the first and third seasons. The first season gave a look into the true crime genre and the way that these true crime shows and reports can impact the people who are dealing with the case firsthand while the third was focused on the way people sit back and don’t help others. One thing we really hope that the next season includes is more social commentary in some way.

Don’t Want: Another Undeserved Redemption Arc

There are some characters in movies and TV shows that just don’t deserve attention or a redemption to their storyline. Sorry, but it’s true! This is even true in Slasher where some of the characters that are featured in the show are just not good people.

For instance, the third season of the series featured a resident of the apartment building that spent his free time posting hateful things online and would openly say them out loud to people that he felt were below him. Although the majority of the people that season got what was coming to them, he was one of the characters that walked away and was meant to be redeemed in the eyes of the viewers.

Want: To Be Totally Terrified

Above all else, we want the next season of Slasher to be absolutely terrifying. The first three were pretty creepy and totally worth binge-watching, so we trust that Netflix knows what they’re doing and will make this next season just as scary.

Although there are a lot of things that we hope to see in the show and some things that we hope Netflix doesn’t do, they’ve produced some really awesome original series and movies over the years and we don’t doubt that they’ll hit it out of the park with the fourth season of Slasher.

Don’t Want: Too Many Plot Twists

A lot of horror movies and TV shows have some major plot twists that leave viewers guessing. While these are fun, they can also get to be way too much and it can ruin the impact when the final, real plot twist hits.

Plot twists and red herrings may be a really fun part of watching a horror movie or series, but we hope that Netflix uses them wisely. Having too many plot twists in a single season of a show like Slasher can make it come across a little too campy and we definitely don’t want that to happen.

Next: 10 Slasher Movies You Have Never Heard of Before