Every time there is a new season of American Horror Story there is tons of hype and rumors surrounding it, and that is the case once again for American Horror Story: 1984, which is the ninth season of the popular anthology horror-based show. This season takes place at Camp Redwood and is based on classic slasher movies such as Halloween and Friday The 13th. 1984 is so far being met with great responses.

While several episodes have already aired, there is still plenty of the show to be revealed to the world and there is a lot that nobody knows about, so with that in mind, let’s break down five things we want to see in 1984, and five things we do not.

Want: Twists

Something that American Horror Story is well known for is having major twists throughout the season. Rather than just following a paint by numbers routine that becomes predictable, the show has always managed to keep fans on the edge of their seats, making it very hard to predict. It is one of the main reasons that the show has managed to stay so popular. The show is already at its ninth season and it’s showing no sign of slowing down. This is done by making fans think that the show is going to do one thing and then totally shifting to something else.

Some seasons in the past have had multiple changes within and hopefully American Horror Story: 1984 will continue that trend, making it hard to predict throughout in order to have fans wondering what will happen next.

Don’t Want: Rushing The Story

It was announced ahead of time that American Horror Story: 1984 is going to be the shortest season in the history of the franchise, and while that could be a good thing in terms of keeping the story snappy and well-paced while not having any dragging moments, it could also go the other way.

The one worry that people do have about this season is that because there are fewer episodes taking place, a decision will be made to rush things, which isn’t a good thing. American Horror Story has always detailed plots that are well fleshed out because they usually have lots of episodes to do that.

Hopefully having fewer episodes will be a decision that actually works out for the best in the long run, rather than being something that will end up taking away from the show and making the season forgettable.

Want: Slasher Movie References

Whether it be the camera angles used, the way some of the kills take place, or simply borrowing a couple of lines from some famous movies, this season of American Horror Story really needs to have some references to classic slasher movies.

It is clear that is the vibe the show is looking to have, but rather than just going for a vibe it would be a lot of fun if they went all out and gave fans some movie references and took the things that are most successful about slasher movies to make this a beloved season.

People still talk about the classic slasher films to this day for a reason, because if they are done right they can be unforgettable, and American Horror Story has the chance to make this season exactly that.

Don’t Want: Politics

Politics is a very divisive topic due to people having such different views on the matter, and therefore anytime it is brought up on a television show it is always going to get the exact same mixed opinions, which is one of the reasons that American Horror Story: Cult, isn’t one of the most popular seasons of the show.

Cult spent the entire season focusing on politics with that being the main driving force to the show, and many seasons have had small references to it, with Apocalypse touching on that the elite could afford to survive the nuclear bombs, as an example.

While that is fine for a show like House of Cards, which is designed with the intention of debate and looking at the political system, with American Horror Story, people just want to be freaked out and scared, not made to overly think the politics of things.

Want: Evan Peters & Sarah Paulson

American Horror Story: 1984 marks the first season in the history of the show that neither Evan Peters or Sarah Paulson will be featured, with the two mainstays not being in the cast at all for this series. This surprised many of the show’s hardcore fans.

Paulson and Peters haven’t just been regular cast members, but they have been main featured stars in every season, sometimes playing multiple roles in one series. Because of that, they have become associated with the show and the show with them, and it is certainly going to be strange without them.

While it is clear they’re not going to be featured stars on this season, it would be a fun nod to the hardcore fans of the show if they showed up at some point in the season, even if it was for just a small cameo, simply to say they have been in every single season still.

Don’t Want: To Follow George Orwell’s Novel

As soon as it was announced that the season was going to be called American Horror Story: 1984 everyone immediately thought about the famous George Orwell novel.

The idea of following “Big Brother” is a fascinating concept and it is one that would still work well within this season, should the show have a big twist to come, and while it wouldn’t be a problem if the show did follow some themes of that novel, simply copying it outright isn’t what anybody wants to see.

Instead, hopefully, the show will have some of those themes touched upon, giving a wink and a nod to all those who have suggested it, while also staying to an original theme.

Want: Tie-In Previous Seasons

Each season of American Horror Story might be totally different from the other in terms of storyline, outside of the fact that they are all horror, but the show’s seasons are all linked in several ways, with small little easter egg moments or major links to keep people guessing about a potential universe where they all exist.

That is something that should continue in American Horror Story: 1984, as it is something that fans love about the show, always looking for hidden moments and details, whether it be a prop left in the corner or a line that has been said repeatedly in the past.

A lot of these moments aren’t spotted until the season actually ends and people go back and view them again and again, which might be the case with this season, but they make watching each episode all the more fun.

Don’t Want: Edward Mordrake

Returning characters from previous seasons are not a surprise in any American Horror Story season. It will likely be the same this time around as it is something that the fans are always looking out for, yet one character that would be best kept in the past is Edward Mordrake. Mordrake was a character from the Freakshow season and was one that fans weren’t overly keen on during the time. He was a deceased freak who took the dead into the next world, and while he had two faces, his character was never massively scary and just felt unnecessary at times.

Because of the fact he doesn’t need to be alive and his character involves death, there is a good chance that he could be used as an easter egg character return, but hopefully, that does not happen.


Want: Twisty

Everyone knows that Ryan Murphy likes to tie in all his seasons of American Horror Story in one way or another, whether it be subtle nods to previous seasons or painstakingly obvious references to the past that bring them into a similar time period.

While it is unlikely we will be seeing something on the level of American Horror Story: Apocalypse in this season, there is one character many fans have been hoping to see pop up from the past, which is Twisty the clown, who terrorized people in American Horror Story: Freak Show. 

Twisty is one of the most iconic characters in the history of the show, and with this being a slasher film, many people have wondered if he will pop up at some stage even if it’s right at the end of the series.

Don’t Want: Aliens

Aliens have been used several times before in the history of American Horror Story, and they have been divisive, to say the least. Some fans loved how Ryan Murphy has used the extraterrestrial characters while others have hated it, believing it has taken away from the main message of the show.

Once again it has been rumored that fans can expect aliens to potentially play a role in the new season, with several theories that they could be on their way once again from space to play a key role in 1984’s ending, but that is something that we hope the show will avoid.

Bringing in aliens as a random finish to a season just feels like something that doesn’t fit, especially in what is a series themed to the slasher genre. Should the franchise really want to explore aliens, it would be wiser for them to dedicate an entire series so it can be done properly.