Unlike the airline industry, which has received billions in aid from the government, the USPS has seen no such financial olive branch during the pandemic. And, yes: this is all occurring during the lead-up to the November election that will still be set amid global pandemic.

Per the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the USPS has lost some $69 billion during the past 11 years alone, by and large, because of a 2006 law that put the USPS at a competitive disadvantage.

So yes: the USPS — the postal carriers, mail handler assistants, post office clerks, etc. that hold the whole entity up — clearly need our collective help. And here are five ways you, too, can show your unbridled support, love, and appreciation for the USPS, in many cases without even leaving your bedroom

Buy stamps, mailing supplies, and more — including celebration cards — at your local USPS office

Though by no means considered small businesses, our nation’s USPS offices rely partially on our willingness to support them. 

Unlike other government entities:  the USPS does not run off taxpayer money; it relies on the sale of postage, products, and services to fund its operations; many of these products can also be purchased online through the USPS Postal Store. Your hard-earned green spent at a nearby post office will go right toward making sure the USPS doesn’t go the way of the dodo bird anytime soon.

Opt to ship your online orders with USPS

One of the easiest, most passive ways you can support the USPS is simply choosing to have your online packages shipped with them. 

Write to your state representatives and congress members

We all have a voice — the problem is we often forget to speak to our fullest abilities. 

Call our nation’s representatives and congress members; email them; tweet at them; hold them accountable. You can also use this handy bot that will send an email to your state’s senators and representatives by texting “USPS” to 50409. It literally takes two seconds. 

Sign a petition and attend a rally

There are huge amounts of petitions available to sign right now (this one, that one; another one here) to let legislators know why we need the USPS. 

There’s also more rallies in support of the USPS — like one helmed by Nancy Pelosi, herself, early Tuesday — popping up both locally and nationally that you can attend to show your IRL support of the postal service.

Share all of the above information with your family, friends, and anyone willing to listen

 It’s easy to use your voice — especially on social media and Slack channels. 

But actively opening up a dialogue with those close to you (and not)  about why it’s vital the USPS receives government funding. Case and point, an ice breaker: Want those Christmas cards? Well, we’ll need a postman and stamps in order for them to get to your mailbox.

// For more information on services the United States Postal Service provides — which include P.O. box addressing, “click-in-slip” label making, and more — visit usps.com. Feature photo by Rhodi Lopez.

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