50 Blog Post Ideas for Content Creators When Writer’s Block Strike:

#1: An Introduction

Sure, your website most likely has an About section, though, it’s probably only a few paragraphs at most. To get your blog started, it can be a good idea to tell your target audience more about your brand and the type of blog content you plan to write. 

#2: Tour of Your Office

While you might think that this type of content can only work in video format, it can work as a blog post too. You can use this as an opportunity to share more about your brand and how you go about creating your products or services. 

#3: A Day in the Life of

What does a typical day in the life of a creator look like? If you don’t like the idea of giving them a tour of your office, you can instead devote a blog post to what goes on behind the scenes. Not only is this type of content interesting, but it will also help you to establish a more authentic connection with your target audience. 

#4: How-to Posts

While this idea is straightforward, it remains one of the most popular topics. You can keep it basic by making the focus of the article to teach your target audience how to do something relevant to your niche. 

#5: Lists

Whether it’s a checklist or a Top-10 list, listicles work really well. Readers love it because it makes information much simpler to digest.

#6: 30-day Challenge

You can either jot down your attempt at doing something specific for 30 days or create a 30-day challenge that your target audience will find relevant. 

#7: Case Studies 

If you’ve recently helped a client to fix a problem, why not contact the client to ask if you may feature his/her story on your blog? To structure this type of post, concentrate on his/her initial problem and include a few of the results. Not only can you turn this into a blog post, but you can also repackage it as a lead magnet so that you can grow your email subscriber list and generate more leads. 

#8: Advantages

Are there maybe some benefits of your product or service that you can share with your target audience in blog format? If not, you can dedicate a post to discussing the advantages of your career, lifestyle or hobbies. 

#9: An Interview

Identify a few influential people in your industry and contact them to find out if they would be interested to be featured on your blog. One of the advantages of writing interviews is that you can also capture the attention of your interviewee’s target audience. 

#10: Strange Stories

For something a little bit more unconventional, you can dedicate a blog post to any weird stories about your services or products. Perhaps one of your followers has shared an interesting experience that he/she recently had? 

#11: How to Overcome a Challenge

Do you have a different way to solve a common problem? This type of content makes for share-worthy blog posts. 

#12: Personal Experience

Are there any personal achievements that you are particularly proud of? Perhaps you had an experience that your target audience will find valuable? Not only can sharing a personal experience make for an interesting read, but it can also help you to create a more authentic brand and connection with your readers. 

#13: Discuss Your Career

If being a creator is simply one of your side hustles, your target audience will love to find out more about your career. 

#14: A Book Review

If you’ve recently read a good book that you would recommend, you can use it as content for your next blog post. The trick is to ensure that it is interesting to read. 

#15: A Product Review

If you are not much of a reader, you can instead write an honest review about a product that relates to your industry. This type of blog post can get even more attention if it’s about a new product. If the response is positive, you can consider making product reviews a regular feature on your blog. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even try to compare two similar products in one blog post. What’s more, if you have a YouTube channel, you can even consider creating unboxing videos which are relatively easy to make.

If there are any rumours about product releases in your industry, why not share your thoughts in a blog post? 

#17: Resource List

From suppliers to materials, your target audience will be only too grateful if you share some of your resources with them. Plus, it can actually make for interesting content.

#18: Hacks

Do you know any hacks or tricks that your readers will find valuable? Share with your target audience how they too can do these by means of your blog. 

#19: Industry-relevant News

The advantage of sharing news relevant to your niche from time to time is that it helps your blog to look current. You can even turn it into a type of recurring monthly digest. 

#20: Top Stats

Another popular blog content idea is to summarize some of the leading statistics in your niche. For inspiration, you don’t need to look further than yours truly. 

#22: A Roundup

It is a good idea to write this type of post at the end of a year. You can use it to summarize what you have learned or use it to reflect on the highlights of the past year. 

#23: Future Plans

Your supporters want to know what you have planned for them and your brand. Are there any interesting plans brewing or products on the way?

#24: Community Work

If you are not involved in some sort of goodwill campaign, there is no time like the present. Use your blog to show how you are involved and communicate to your target audience that you share their views on matters like social sustainability. 

#25: Holiday Posts

This type of content can be a recurring theme. Think about which events your target audience celebrate and reflect on your thoughts about these celebrations or share some ideas to make it even more memorable. 

#26: Myth Versus Fact

Are there any myths in your industry that you can disprove? Why not be a mythbuster, even if it’s only for one post?

#27: Warning Post

Is there something that your target audience likely don’t know about? Perhaps you can share some of the mistakes that you have made yourself? Readers appreciate this kind of vulnerability. 

#28: Success Story

You don’t have to turn to just your immediate circle for success stories. Perhaps you can discuss how a celebrity achieved an interesting feat? This type of content is a guilty pleasure of many. 

#29: Here Is What Happened

If you are up for (another) challenge, you can complete a challenge that your target audience will find relevant and write a blog post about what happened. Perhaps you want to cut out sugar or increase the time spent meditating?

#30: Glossary

If you want to reach out to newbies specifically, you can create a glossary that will help them to learn any relevant terms. 

#31: Controversial Post

Depending on your brand voice, you can write an opinion piece in which you show your support for or take a stand against something controversial. To help substantiate your opinion, be sure to include data. 

#32: Predictions

If you are feeling bold, you can share what you think the future has in store for your niche. 

#33: Sources of Inspiration

Do you have a specific process that you follow when creating content? Where do you turn to for inspiration? Don’t be shy to share this with your followers.

#34: Competition Announcement

If you haven’t offered some kind of giveaway yet, it is definitely something to explore in the coming year. To help increase your number of followers, you can officially announce the competition via a blog post. 

#35: Results of a Survey

Surveys are great lead magnets. While you’ll share the results with an individual in exchange for his/her email address, you can share your overall findings with your entire target audience by means of a blog post.

#36: Infographics

Infographics are easy to digest and engaging. To spice up your blog, you can use a tool like Piktochart to design an infographic and use the written text to serve as supporting content. It is a great way to get more readers to share your content on social media. 

#37: Opinion Roundup

If you don’t want to share your opinion, you can always ask influencers in your niche to share their answers to a specific question. You can then summarize their different answers in a blog post. Similarly to interviewing influential people, this approach can attract more traffic as the following of the influencers featured in your blog post will likely want to read your article too. Even better yet – ask the influencers to share the article on their platforms for more exposure. 

#38: Open Letter

Do you have a gripe with a group or an individual? Your blog can be a platform where you can write a letter to them, without having to send it. Instead, it’s more intended for your target audience really. The beauty of this approach is that you end up getting the attention of your target audience and the group or individual. 

#39: Inspirational Story

People love reading motivational stories. Perhaps there is someone who has done something impressive in your industry? You can also use this as an opportunity to share some of your own favorite quotes that leave you feeling inspired. 

#40: The Ultimate Guide

Identify a specific topic and write an in-depth guide that covers everything. While it takes more research, you can always use it as a lead magnet too. 

#41: Breaking News

In addition to covering news relevant to your industry every now and then, you can also write a blog post when there’s some interesting breaking news in your niche. 

#42: Share a Presentation

Have you recently been invited to take part in a webinar or online discussion? You can always repurpose your presentation by turning it into a blog post. 

#43: Special Events

You don’t have to have been one of the panelists or speakers to use a past event as content. Perhaps you simply attended an event that you think your target audience might find interesting? To make the most of this type of content, be sure to add photos and videos of the event too.

#44: Now and Then

Has your niche changed over the years? This can make for interesting food for thought. 

#45: Product Updates

There’s nothing wrong with writing more promotional posts every now and again. If you have introduced any new features or improvements, use your blog to share the good news. 

#46: Vacancies

Are you expanding? Why not let your audience know about your growth and use it as an opportunity to advertise the new job opening. Alternatively, you can leave this content for your email newsletters that you send to your subscribers if you don’t think that it will fit in quite right with past articles. 

#47: Introduce a New Team Member

If a new employee recently joined your team, your readers would love to know. In this post, you can share their ambitions, reasons for joining and what they like about working on your team. It’s also a great way to welcome new employees and let them feel more at home. 

#48: Creative Uses

If you are selling a product, you can dedicate a post about creative ways in which you can use your product. Alternatively, you can write a blog post in which you share creative uses that you have found for some of your favorite products.

#49: Working Remotely

The global pandemic has meant that more and more people have to work from home. In a blog post, you can share your experience and possibly offer tips. Your readers likely have their own stories too. So, be sure to encourage them to leave comments. 

#50: How to Become a Creator

How can others join your industry? Do you have any tips that you can share? Are there any courses that those interested can complete? If you haven’t shared your own journey in a previous blog post yet, you can also include something about your own personal journey to becoming a creator.