(500) Days of Summer starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon- Levitt changed the indie rom-com game and finally gave indie-lovers and the manic pixie dream girls of the world a love story that they felt was all their own. Since the release of the movie, there have definitely been some disagreements on the way the love story should have panned out.

These differences in opinions have caused a lot of controversy around the film, but one this is certain: this movie depicts what real heartbreak can feel like and is full of valuable lessons on both ends. Keep reading to hear what important lessons that this movie taught viewers about love.

Expectation vs. Reality

One of the most heartbreaking scenes in this film is when the main character, Tom, goes to Summer’s apartment for a party. The couple had since broken up, but Tom’s expectations for seeing Summer were definitely at an all-time high. The scene shows Tom’s expectations of how the night would go, with Summer excitedly greeting him at the door, kissing him on the rooftop and spending the night talking together.

The reality of that night was far from his expectation, and actually showed Summer announcing her engagement to someone else. This shows that sometimes, high expectations in relationships can lead to extreme disappointment, a lesson that is necessary, but hard to learn.

Loving The Idea Of Somebody

A big conversation surrounding this love story is that Tom actually wasn’t in love with Summer at all, and was only in love with the idea of her. Tom was definitely guilty of romanticizing his relationship with Summer, as well as a lot of her personality.

This became clear in the scene that showed Tom stating everything he hated about Summer, like her crooked teeth of 1960s haircut, when only months earlier, he was completely infatuated by those things, or at least he told himself he was. This proves that sometimes, we fall in love with the idea of things we like, instead of the real parts of a person.

Wanting What You Can’t Have

Tom was relentless in his feelings towards Summer, but perhaps it was her feelings towards him that kept him hooked for so long. Summer was unattainable in Tom’s eyes. He found her to be a mystery and liked that about her. The fact that she wasn’t looking for a serious relationship and wanted to keep things casual, could definitely have played a part in why Tom chased after her so hard.

In relationships, it’s common to become more attached to someone, simply because they feel elusive, or too hard to get. This is a tricky way of thinking because it often leads to heartbreak. Once you have what you thought you wanted, you might think a little differently about that.

Ignoring The Signs

Summer was very adamant in the film about wanting to keep things with Tom casual. However, oftentimes, Tom ignored her feelings about it. He convinced himself that she too would fall in love with him, and they would eventually become serious. He was honestly pretty hurt when they eventually broke things off, asking himself why it didn’t work when the answer had been in front of him from the beginning.

If Tom taught viewers anything about love, it’s definitely how important it is to not ignore the signs from your partner. Summer was always clear about her intentions, but Tom decided not to pay them any attention, which, of course, ended up being a big mistake.

Don’t Lead Anybody On

Although Summer was incredibly honest throughout her relationship with Tom and her expectations for their time together, this film perfectly shows how leading someone on can take form in many ways. Although Summer wanted to be friendly with Tom, she should have anticipated that he wasn’t at that point yet.

It was clear to Summer that Tom still had strong feelings for her, and yet she still communicated with him after they ended things, leading Tom to believe there was still hope for their relationship to start up again. Leading someone on is never the right move, and this movie proves that to be true.

It’s Okay To Just Have Fun

If this movie resembles anything, it’s that sometimes it’s important to just have fun. A lot of Summer and Tom’s downfall in their relationship came from too much overthinking and the excessive need to define what their relationship was.

This movie teaches an important lesson, that sometimes, trying to define or put something in a box can make the magic of what is happening fade away. Of course, it’s important to always address issues, but the relationship in this movie could have withstood a lot more if there was a bit more room for fun.

When You Know You Know

One of the saddest parts, but also one of the most realistic parts of the movie, is when Summer and Tom have a conversation about Summer’s fiancée. In this part of the film, Summer explains why she hesitated to be in a relationship with Tom but has no problem settling down with someone else.

The reality of that conversation was harsh, but it does teach viewers that sometimes, the cheesiest saying about love really does hold true. Summer admits that she knew her new partner was the one, and that she felt things for him that she never felt with Tom. It’s hurtful but too true for so many relationships.

Getting Over Someone Takes Time

A large chunk of this movie depicts Tom trying to get over Summer, and nothing seems to help. The truth that lies in that is something that viewers don’t see until the end of the film, which is that getting over heartbreak takes a long time.

There is such a huge lesson to be learned from this movie when it comes to getting over a loved one, and Tom’s journey with his heartbreak is extremely accurate in that arena. Getting over a break up is incredibly hard, and like Tom, it takes a lot of grieving, talking about it with friends, and ultimately, time.

You Can’t Help Who You Fall In Love With

This movie makes one thing absolutely clear, Tom and Summer were not meant to be. Often times, people wonder why two people who seem to be terrible together end up in a relationship.

But, the truth is, you can’t always help who you fall in love with. It’s common to fall in love with someone who is not good for you, and overcoming that is what matters. This film directly shows what the consequences of that can be like, and that it’s definitely something anyone can get through in time.

Don’t Associate Your Happiness With Another Person

Depending on someone else for your happiness is never the way to go, and will almost always cause a relationship to struggle. The most successful relationships are when both people are happy with themselves, which was something that Tom was lacking.

At one point in the movie, Tom talks about Summer saying, “I want to forget her, but I know she’s the only person in the entire universe that will make me happy.” That statement right there is reason enough that their relationship didn’t work out. Relying on someone else to make you happy is never the answer.