Engadget notes Verizon revealed that 4m of the 7.2m smartphones activated by the company in the first quarter this year were iPhones, half of them iPhone 5s, the other half split between older models. The numbers were revealed by CFO Fran Shammo in a conference call.

The 55% is down a slight percentage from Q1 2013 where close to two thirds of Verizon smartphone sales (6.2M out of 9.8M) were iPhones. Shammo also noted that just half of the iPhones activated on Verizon’s network were iPhone 5 or LTE iPhones which seems like a surprisingly low number.

The number is up 25% over the year ago (Q1-2012) quarter which saw 3.2 million iPhones activated out of a total 6.3. The iPhone mix is also up from just over 50%  to 55% of total Verizon smartphone sales (likely helped by the addition of the free iPhone 4).

AAPL share price is again down on the number trading at near $395.