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The first step to building a relationship with an influencer is to make your initial contact. But staring at the blank email you need to draft, you may feel at a loss for where to begin. How do you write a successful pitch?

To help you out, we have put together a few email template ideas for influencer outreach. Note that you can also use these templates to help you reach out to influencers through other channels, like direct messaging on sites like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

You can scroll down to find the templates. But before we dive in with those, here are a few best practices to keep in mind when you are composing your outreach messages:

  • Keep your emails short. They should be no more than 200 words, and that is already right at the edge of too much.  Personalize your emails. The templates below give you a basic framework, but it is up to you to add in personal details. You should not be sending the same generic email to everyone.Make your emails actionable. They should make it easy for the influencer to schedule a date and time to talk further.Start a conversation. This is more important than trying to immediately make your proposal. Sometimes that works, but often, it is more effective to warm up an influencer before pitching them on a collaboration.Provide value upfront. Whether it is a freebie, a share, or anything else that directly benefits the influencer, offering upfront value is a powerful way to open a dialogue. Instead of saying how you can help, you are proving it.

Influencer Outreach Email Template #1: “I shared your video”

Hi [Name]!

This is [Name] from [Company]. I loved your recent video about [topic], especially [detail some specific feature you really liked from the video].

I just wanted you to know I shared your video on Facebook, and our customers loved it! Here’s a link to the post. It got me thinking—I bet a collaboration similar to that video would benefit both of us.

Do you have time this week for a quick chat?

Best regards;


Why It Works:

This succinct email shows that you follow the influencer and take the time to watch their videos. Plus, you already have done the influencer a good turn by sharing the post, and you can show them the engagement numbers on the post to make your point about the overlap in your target market and theirs.

Influencer Outreach Email Template #2: Free sample

Hi [Name],

This is [Name] from [Company]. I saw your post the other day on our product, [product]. I really appreciate your amazing feedback, and I am so glad you are a fan!

In fact, because you are so passionate about our products, I wanted to offer you a free sample of our forthcoming [product].

If you’re interested, please let me know where I can send it!

All the best,

The email above asks for nothing; it is literally just an offer of a free sample. A few positive outcomes are possible:

  • The influencer responds, accepts the product, and does nothing.The influencer responds, accepts the products, and makes a post about it.The influencer responds, and tentatively accepts the product and offers to post pending compensation.

Any one of these are good, even the first outcome where the influencer merely accepts the product without providing a return. Why? Because you are building a relationship. Later, you can pitch them, and there is a good chance they will be interested.

If you do not want to offer the freebie without getting a return, here is a simple variation to the template:

If you’d be interested in posting a review, I’d love to discuss compensation. Do you have time next week for a quick chat?

Influencer Outreach Email Template #3: Feedback request

This is [Name] from [Company]. I enjoyed your recent [video, post, etc.] on [topic relevant to your product].

In fact, I’d really value your opinion on [product]. Can I send you a free sample to get your feedback?


This is another example of an influencer outreach email template that does not include a direct ask. But you can see how it could potentially lead to a post. And while you are asking for a favor (feedback), you are flattering your influencer’s ego by acknowledging their authority in your niche.

Influencer Outreach Email Template #4: Hoping to Help

This is [Name] from [Company]. In your recent video reviewing [competitor’s product], I noticed you liked [feature], but were disappointed by [problem with product].

We actually offer [competing product], which solves this problem by [novel solution]. I’d love to send you [product] for free so you can check it out for yourself. If you’re interested, please let me know where to send it.

Thanks so much,

Once again, there is no direct ask, but you probably do not need one. Why? Chances are good the influencer will recognize that the value you are offering with your solution is worth sharing with their followers. In fact, their followers may even have asked them if they know of a product that solves the problem they identified in their video. Now they can share that solution.

Influencer Outreach Email Template #5: Giveaway

This is [Name] from [Company]. I enjoyed your post about [related topic]. I notice you sometimes run giveaways. I believe your followers would love [product], and thought you might like to host a giveaway. I’d be happy to send you [quantity][product]s for free. You can decide on the rules for the giveaway.

Do you have time for a quick chat this week?

Thank you so much;

This is an example of a direct proposal where you focus attention not only on benefiting the influencer, but also on offering value to their followers.

Influencer Outreach Email Template #6: Follow-Up

It is easy to mistake a non-response as a “no,” but it is easy for emails to get lost in cluttered inboxes, or for busy people to simply forget to reply. That is why you should follow up a couple of times if you do not hear back from an influencer. Below is a sample template.

This is [Name] at [Company]. I emailed you the other day about working together on [collaboration]. I just wanted to check to see if you had a chance to think about my idea?


Now, It’s Your Turn

You have had a chance to check out a few email templates for influencer outreach now. Try using these or developing your own variations on them, and do not be afraid to test out different formats. Remember to personalize them, and be sure to follow up even if you do not hear back from someone. Good luck making the connections you need for a successful campaign.

David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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