Crossing Your Legs
Although it’s tempting to cross your legs while sitting, it’s actually not good for your posture. It may feel comfortable, but crossing your legs can put extra stress on your hips and lower back. You may start feeling the need to slouch, too.
The best way to sit is with both feet flat on the floor. If you’re unable to plant your feet firmly, you can get a footrest to help. Simply place one where you would normally rest your feet and set them on top. This will help take the strain off your lower body so you can comfortably sit back in your chair.
For some people, it’s hard to resist the urge to cross your legs. It’s fine to cross them for a short period, but try not to make it a habit. As an alternative, you can get up to walk around or stretch, which leads us to the next mistake.
RELATED: Six Tips to Help Save Yourself from Poor Computer Posture
Sitting Down for Too Long
Even with good posture, your muscles will start tightening up if you sit for too long. You may start to feel restless and possibly experience some pain or aching around your body. This is why it’s important to take breaks every 30 minutes or so to get up and move around.
You don’t have to stand up for a long time. Go for a small walk or do some light stretching. Just do anything to keep your body active, it could be as simple as swinging your arms around. The key is to increase blood flow and loosen up your muscles.
You can set a timer to go off every 30 minutes to remind you to take a break. If you can’t get up that often, try for every hour while incorporating some desk exercises to stay active and energized.
Hunching Over Your Desk
Most people already know that hunching over is bad for your posture. When you’re hunched over, it puts a lot of strain on your spine and neck. This is why you’ll often feel pain in these areas after sitting at a desk all day. Your back’s going to feel most of the strain, especially since your spine won’t be in a neutral position.
To correct this, you want to set your chair between 90 degrees and 120 degrees so that you can sit with a straight or slightly reclined back. This will take the strain off your spine and keep your body aligned. Some people will feel comfortable sitting back at 135 degrees, according to an RSNA study. Of course, you’ll need a chair that can recline or tilt to achieve this, which most ergonomic chairs can do, as well as gaming chairs like the Hbada Gaming Chair.
Leaning Your Head Foward
Many people tend to lean their heads forward when they’re trying to focus on something or while slouching, and even more so while using the computer or playing video games. Leaning your head forward is a common cause of neck pain, as it puts extra weight and strain on it. Human heads are heavy, so when you’re leaning forward even slightly, it puts excess stress on your neck muscles.
The easiest way to solve this is by leaning back on a chair with a high back. This type of backrest supports your head and neck, so you never have to lean forward. If your chair doesn’t have a high back, you’ll have to remind yourself to not learn forward.
RELATED: The Best Posture for Long-Term PC Productivity and Gaming
Looking at a Poorly Positioned Monitor
Where you position your monitor can also affect your posture. If it’s too high or low, you’ll end up putting unnecessary strain on your neck and eyes. The screen also shouldn’t be too close or far, as it can cause eye strain and fatigue.
You should position your monitor 20-30 inches away from your eyes, which is about an arm’s length. Adjust the height so that you’re able to read the first line of text at eye level or slightly below it.
Change the font to a san-serif typeface, so it’s easier to read. Also, use a font size that’s large enough for you to see without squinting or needing to lean forward. If you’re a laptop user, you’ll need to use an external keyboard and mouse while you use your laptop as the screen.
Sitting on Non-Ergonomic Chairs
One of the most common posture mistakes is sitting on chairs that are not ergonomic for extended periods. Ergonomic chairs promote good posture by supporting your entire body. You can practically adjust every part of the chair to support your frame. This includes the height and tilt of the chair, lumbar and neck support, and armrests.
If you can afford an ergonomic chair, you should always choose it over a regular one. Non-ergonomic chairs can cause long-term pain in your back, neck, and shoulders, especially if you’re sitting on them for many hours. These chairs aren’t designed for extended use, as they provide little to no support. This is why you’ll constantly find yourself slouching or hunching over.
Invest in an ergonomic chair if you sit for long hours each day. They’re absolutely worth the investment. Not only do they promote good posture and prevent pain, but they’re also very comfortable to be seated in. With these chairs, you sit in them all day without complaining.
If you aren’t bothered by the gamer aesthetic, we recommend considering a gaming chair, since they’re always ergonomic, and they offer great value for their price!