There’s a built-in security feature for Windows users, called ASLR which makes bug exploits harder to write by randomizing the location of things such as DLLs in memory. Also, the 64-bit apps have much more memory available, which means they create a ‘much larger haystack in which to hide the needles that exploits look for’, as ArsTechnica puts it. According to Google, he 64-bit version of the browser is said to be “twice as stable” as its 32-bit equivalent. But there’s one big drawback with the 64-bit version – it doesn’t include support for the NPAPI plugin API. Thus, some browser plugins, including both Silverlight and Java, will not work. However, Google said it will remove 32-bit NPAPI support in the future, but we don’t know exactly when that could happen. Internet Explorer was the first browser to have a stable 64-bit version on Windows, and now Google steps in with Chrome. Right now, the 32-bit browser is still the default, so you will have to re-download the browser and choose to get the 64-bit version. Chrome 37 also brings the stable release of DirectWrite graphics on Windows which should make text rendering look more attractive and run faster.