Star Trek fans are typically happy to sit and watch the magic unfold, oblivious to the tension and strain that some actors may be working while they butt heads in space. It’s hard to imagine that some of our favorite characters may have hated one another behind the scenes; it’s much easier to picture the opposite, especially after seeing how buddy buddy all of The Next Generation stars are with one another. It’s too bad it doesn’t work that way with all of the stars who arrive in our living rooms at warp speed.

In an ideal world, all of the Star Trek actors would at least be able to be friendly with one another, but there are always going to be people bumping heads in any work place.

Luckily the opposite is always true as well, and some costars became so intimate that they even ended up with children and nuptials. There are some pretty dramatic scenes, not to mention major romances, in the Star Trek universe, so it’s less surprising that actors might bond over those moments that moved us, to tears or otherwise.

From costars who couldn’t stand each other to those who moved to be closer to one another, here are 7 Star Trek Costars Who Are Frenemies (And 8 Who Are BFFs).

15. Patrick Stewart And The Cast Of TNG (BFFs)

Patrick Stewart’s friendship with just about everyone on Star Trek: The Next Generation is so adorable that it’s even been caricatured, complete with original cast voices, on Family Guy.

While we all want to be BFFs with Stewart anyway, we are thrilled to have something as lovely and amazing as The Next Generation not only surpass all odds and live as one of the most popular pieces of science fiction in the history of everything, but to continue to remain lovely and amazing due to the close network of friends that emerged from the costars who created it.

There aren’t many TV shows with such happily ever after endings for the majority of cast members, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships, and TNG sets friendship goals for us all.

14. George Takei And Nichelle Nichols (BFFs)

Nichelle Nichols, also known as the groundbreaking and brilliant Nyota Uhura, played an important role in George Takei’s his maid of honor.

Nichols expressed her joy after the ceremony, saying, “I was fighting back tears but they came oozing out anyway. I’m so happy that they’re both able to legally proclaim their commitment to one another after spending the past 21 years together.”

For Friends Day, Takei chose Nichols as his friend to celebrate, adding that he hopes everyone has a friend as special as Nichelle.

Not only does Nichols refer to Takei as her “dear friend forever,” but we can see the tenderness from years of friendship between them anytime they interact. We all need this kind of friendship in our lives.

13. William Shatner And Kirstie Alley (Frenemies)

The Shatner has burned some bridges in his time, earning him a spot among frenemies several times over. One actress that he loathed working beside was Kirstie Alley, who starred alongside him on Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan.

Although George Takei famously commented on Alley and William Shatner not getting along, Alley confirmed the truth to the rumors on an interview with Howard Stern.

Alley says that Shatner disliked her acting so much that he actually hired a tutor to help her improve her skills.

The tutor had her cut out images of people that represented her character in order to help her acting. Shatner also apparently did something that Alley deemed inappropriate on set but she says firmly declined the actor’s advances.

12. Quinto and Pine (BFFs)

It’s not a secret that Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine became close friends while working on the Star Trek reboot films. Whether they are goofing off, sharing inside jokes or just plan laughing hysterically together, the two share a sweet bromance that we love to fawn over.

The two knew one another prior to acting together as Spock and Kirk but their relationship became friendlier as they worked with one another in the final frontier.

As addictive as some people find celebrity cat fights to be, the joyous Quinto-Pine friendship is what we can’t look away from.

From their matching temporary tattoos to their endless rounds of high fives to their infamous vocabulary battles, Quinto and Pine make acting look both easy and fun.

11. Marina Sirtis And Michael Dorn (Frenemies That Became BFFS)

As often as we catch Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn goofing off together or reminiscing, it’s hard to believe that they didn’t always get along.

Sirtis remarked on a convention panel that she had to apologize to Dorn all of the time so as to not hurt his feelings.

The two overcame the personality clash, however. Perhaps being the opposites of their characters– the strong, steady Klingon Wof and the sensitive counselor Troi– helped them to connect with one another.

Today the two are hilarious when they take a stage together, answering fan questions like a brother and sister team. Dorn says that he’s always been attracted to strong women and that is the key to their chemistry. Sirtis, who admits they hated one another during the first season of TNG, says that he’s the only one who can put up with her.

10. George Takei And Walter Koenig (BFFS)

Trek fans all over the world rejoiced when George Takei, aka Hikaru Kato Sulu, invited Walter Koenig, aka Pavel Chekov, to be the best man in his wedding to longtime partner Brad Altman in a Buddhist ceremony.

Of course Koenig came through for his friend and crewmate, even if one of Takei’s other reportedly costars refused to attend the wedding (more about that frenemy later). During the post-nuptial photo session, the “Live long and prosper” hand signal was flashed to commemorate the show to the delight of those present.

Takei has tweeted about Koenig to honor his friend and the two are known to tell humorous anecdotes about their adventures together, many of which are shared on YouTube.

9. Kate Mulgrew And Jeri Ryan (Frenemies)

The animosity between Kate Mulgrew and Jerri Ryan is one of the most well-known spats in sci-fi history. Garrett Wang recalls stepping in between the two as a peacemaker in order to curb the fighting.

Seven of Nine was brought in to save the show and so she did, but there was also some tension about the addition of a “eye candy” type of character and her ridiculously skintight costume. Ryan recounted an unnamed female co-star making scenes so tense that Ryan was nauseous about going to work, and avoiding actually shooting shared scenes together.

Mulgrew’s concerns may have been valid, but as refreshing as it was to see a woman as captain without an objectified story line most people cite Ryan’s arrival as the moment when Voyager truly took off.

8. Alexander Siddig And Nana Visitor (BFFS And Married)

It’s one thing to become besties behind the scenes, but Alexander Siddig and Nana Visitor of Deep Space Nine became much more.

The couple seemed to come out of left field for many viewers but they seemed to have a happy connection.

Their marriage lasted from 1997 to 2001 and the couple still meet at least a few times a year, largely for their son, Django, who is now in his 20s.

The pregnancy occurred during filming, so it was used as a plot device in a unique way: Visitor’s character, the indomitable Major Kira Nerys, acted as a surrogate for the O’Brien family. The two may not have married had it not been for their child; Visitor says they enjoyed a deep friendship and “ended up with a baby.”

7. William Shatner And James Doohan (Frenemies)

“I wanted to thump him on more than one occasion” is how James Doohan described fellow original Star Trek actor William Shatner. He also said in an interview, “I like Captain Kirk, but I can’t say that I’m very fond of Bill.” There are reports of bad blood on Shatner’s end as well.

While suffering from Alzheimer’s, Doohan was scheduled to appear at a Star Trek convention in conjunction with events celebrating his Hollywood Walk of Fame star. Doohan’s son claimed that Shatner refused to appear with Doohan on stage, saying that he didn’t want to deal with his co-star’s disease. “I don’t want to do this and I really don’t want to deal with this Alzheimer’s crap,” Shatner reportedly said. Takei confirmed this story.

6. Avery Brooks And Cirroc Lofton (BFFs)

Little Jake Sisko of Deep Space Nine may be all grown up now, but he still keeps in contact with his TV dad.

Cirroc Lofton says that not only has he stayed in touch with Avery Brooks, who starred as Captain Benjamin Sisko, throughout the years, but the two remain close. He’s even good friends with Brooks’ actual son. Lofton says that he enjoys running into Brooks at conventions once in a while.

Lofton also says the majority of their relationship was off screen as he grew up, and that the two enjoyed many moments together that inspired much of their on-screen father-son bonding. They traveled, took vacations, and spent much time with one another. Brooks even took Lofton to his first NBA game.

5. Diana Muldaur And Everyone Else (Frenemies)

Diana Muldaur, a more experienced actress than most of her castmates on The Next Generation, remarked that it was a marvelous show as well as a rough one to make. She confirms that her salary was an issue with many of her costars but says that she did enjoy working with some of her coworkers. “I think there were people who didn’t want me to continue,” Muldaur recalled.

Tempers reportedly flew about her making similar pay to Patrick Stewart and thereby more than McFadden, whom she replaced. As Dr. Katherine Pulaski, she wore a unique uniform and had to use cue cards to speak the sci-fi jargon.

Any tension regarding the three-time Emmy nominee may simply be due to her replacing Gates McFadden, whom everyone adored and whose quick departure was considered a deep loss.

4. Nana Visitor And Rene Auberjonois (BFFs)

Nana Visitor seemed to get along well with most of her castmates in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Among her most beloved friends, she includes Rene Auberjonois, with whom she continues to regularly visit and dine. “He’s one of my favorite people,” she says of her costar.

Although Visitor’s character was involved with Odo, played by René Auberjonois, on screen, the two were not romantically linked.

Although she was upset about the relationship between Odo and Kira at first, Visitor thought the two had wonderful chemistry together on screen and that the plot developed into a beautiful love story. Visitor says Auberjonois remains one of her close friends.

Visitor also says that while the cast of DS9 may not be as close as some other Star Trek casts, they do remain on largely friendly terms.

3. William Shatner And George Takei (Frenemies)

There may be no Hollywood feud more notorious than that of the one between William Shatner and George Takei. For Shatner’s involvement, it’s quite telling when you can’t seem to get along with so many costars, but Takei says it’s all a creation that Shatner uses to drum up publicity for himself.

According to Sulu, the former Captain Kirk is a great actor and knows it, which causes him to be a bit of an attention hog. “It’s difficult working with someone who is not a team player,” Takei said of Shatner. “He likes to have the camera on him all the time.”

William claimed the opposite, that that George not only hated getting less attention but even that his own wedding was a publicity stunt.

2. Marc Alaimo And Jeffrey Combs (BFFs)

Did you know that Marc Alaimo and Jeffrey Combs are so close that they were once neighbors? While not all neighbors are known to get along, this pair has a long history of wisecracking and buddy-dom togehter.

Weyoun and Dukat of Deep Space Nine may not be on screen together anymore but Combs and Alaimo keep in steady contact with one another, remaining friends all these years later. At one convention, Alaimo still didn’t miss the chance to admit he wanted to slap his friend on set while working with him.

The two also remain steadfast friends with Casey Biggs, who starred as Damar on the show. Biggs has referred to both men as his “supporting players.” The three are known to work a crowd quite enjoyably at conventions, particularly Combs, who has great stories about his costumes and time as Shran.

1. William Shatner And Leonard Nimoy (Frenemies AND BFFS, Depending On When)

They may be the two most beloved faces in the history of Star Trek. They have also been the best of friends and the worst of enemies.

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy allegedly had some trouble on the set when Nimoy’s character became more popular, particularly with the ladies. Shatner reportedly became jealous to the point where Nimoy accused him of pilfering both his bicycle as well as his lines on the show. Afraid that Spock would make Kirk look stupid, Shatner demanded many of Spock’s lines, according to Nimoy.

Although there are many accounts of the two being close friends, largely due to their similar backgrounds, when Nimoy passed away they had not been on speaking terms for five years. Shatner claims that he has no idea why his best friend suddenly stopped talking to him.

Which other Star Trek castmates are best friends? Let us know in the comments.