7 Tips For Building A Highly Successful Grocery Store

Apart from the online stores, some of these large companies own several store chains where they sell what they have on display in their online stores, physically. These companies have earned the trust of the buying public all these years, so for you as a small grocery store owner to break into this cycle and have some of the big retail franchises’ customers come to patronize your store, you would have to stand apart from the crowd, and should be willing to show you the buying public that you can offer them more than what the top retail franchises have to offer, and why they should give you a trial.

So how can you build a highly successful grocery store?

Here Are 7 Tips For You To Catapult Your Small Grocery Store Into Becoming A Buyers’ Favorite

🟡 Personalize Your Stock And Services

As a small grocery that is peculiar to a particular area, you have the opportunity to know what your customers want because you are servicing a small area. Ensure that you keep asking your customers questions about what they buy the most and use their answers to stock your store, instead of just stocking your store with products that can be found in supermarkets generally.

If for example, you are located within a college area, it would be advisable for you to stock your store’s shelves with products that are largely centered around convenience for your customers than products that can be used for large family meals, because students would most likely consider cooking family meals as a task that is too strenuous and inconvenient for them.

🟡 Have Your Staff Educate Customers On Your Products

This might sound funny, but sometimes, your customers come to your grocery store and are confused about what they want to buy. If you have trained your staff about your products, they can help the customer make decisions easily by telling the customer what they would stand to gain by buying a particular product or how a product suits their needs best. For instance, an obese customer walks into the store and says something about wanting to lose weight. Now, that customer might not know the type of food and/ or drinks that would help to reduce body cholesterol, and would be a little confused about what to buy. Your staff can help this customer make decisions by educating the customer about the products that would work best in helping to reduce body fats.  

After helping the customer make decisions, I can bet you that the customer would leave your grocery store happy, and would very likely patronize your store in the future and also recommend you to friends.

🟡 Have An Online Shopping Option

According to research carried out by Neilsen, 70% of shoppers worldwide prefer to shop online rather than physically by 2024. What this means is that stores that do not have an online presence would be at a disadvantage. So, offering an online shopping option would help you get on the online shopping trend early and attract online shoppers to your store. You can also attract customers to your store by adding features such as same-day delivery of orders.

🟡 Making Use Of Emails And SMS For Promotions And Marketing Communications

As a grocery store owner, it would be to your benefit if you take advantage of email and SMS to communicate with your customers. 

“Ooh it would be very difficult to get customers to leave their contact information”

That might be true, but one other thing is true: they would always choose quality and benefits over privacy.

For example, if you ask your checkout cashier to ask customers if they would be willing to receive their receipts via email, it would be easy for them to return goods without worrying about losing their receipts. I bet you that a good chunk of your customers would jump on this offer, and give out their email addresses. The same goes with texts, let them know that you would be sending them discount and coupon alerts via text, and they would jump on your offer.

🟡Create A Shopping App For Your Store

Since many of your customers would be ordering online with their smartphones, it would be beneficial to you if you have a mobile app to make the order. Let the app have order tracking features, and specific pickup times and locations. This would boost your grocery store.

🟡 Tell The Story Behind Your Products

Letting your customers know what your products were made from and how they were made would go a long way in helping them decide if your products are worth buying or not. So to help your customer’s journey and make them patronize you more often, you should consider always telling the story behind your products.

🟡 Add A Unique Experience

You can add a few things to your grocery store. Things like a food court and a coffee shop can be added to your grocery store so that your customers would have a unique experience whenever they shop in your store.


Now we have learnt “7 Tips For Building A Highly Successful Grocery Store’, Putting the tips that this article has given you into practice would guarantee that your grocery store grows quickly and becomes successful. So, start your grocery store now and build it to become successful.