90 Day Fiance has a history of casting some more-than-questionable characters. Controversial Angela Deem has been arrested for a DUI, while fan-favorite Danielle Jbali has been in trouble for a string of different crimes, including theft and forgery.

However, this Before The 90 Days season four cast member takes the cake as TLC’s most questionable choice to date. Geoffrey Paschel has been accused of domestic violence, rape, aggravated kidnapping, and starvation, amongst other disturbing accounts from his exes. If you are wondering why other fans and podcasters are calling for a boycott, here are ten reasons to skip over Geoffrey’s content.

Trigger Warning: This list contains descriptions and quotes about domestic violence that some readers may find disturbing. 

Geoffrey Was Still Married While Taping Before The 90 Days

Geoffrey was married the entire time he pursued Varya and traveled to Russia. He has been married four times, though Before The 90 Days incorrectly reports Brittany as his second wife. The two began their incredibly wild and complicated ride when they met at an airport back in January 2014, documented here at Starcasm.

Brittany and Geoffrey had two sons, Cayvan, born in February 2015, a month after the two wed in Costa Rica, and Kazhem (now deceased), born under stressful circumstances in Nicaragua two years after his older brother. She gained custody of their son after Geoffrey’s 2019 arrest.

Geoffrey Accused Of Using Kids As Drug Mules

Geoffrey’s third ex-wife legally requested a HIPAA, or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as part of his court-ordered parenting agreement in 2017. The documents, obtained by Starcasm, would: “entitle Mother to all of Father’s medical and prescription records from any source, including but not limited to his prescriptions for opiate medication.”

Geoffrey refused to sign the HIPAA agreement, and it was eventually thrown out due to an error on her attorney’s part. A year later, she filed a Motion for Protective Order which stated: “Father should not have co-parenting time with the parties’ son because he is a danger to the child due to his practice of selling opiate medication and historic involvement of his children as a ‘cover’ or ‘mule’ in his illegal activities.” 

The Entire Story Of His Second Child’s Birth

Disturbing details of Kazhem’s birth have surfaced; according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup: “Brittany also claimed Geoffrey also abandoned Brittany and the kids in a hotel room when their younger son was born. Brittany was allegedly in heavy labor at the time and was forced to deliver the baby on her own. She claims Geoffrey also restricted food to her during this time.”

That’s right– according to Brittany, Geoffrey abandoned her as she was going into labor during their stay in Nicaragua, leaving Brittany and Cayvan, their 2-year-old son, alone in a hotel room to deliver the baby! In Brittany’s court documents: “Cayvan was frightened by what Brittany was going through. She had to deliver by herself and keep Cayvan calm while she gave birth.”

His Ex-Wife Was Afraid For Her Children’s Safety

After returning to Tennesse following the traumatic incidents in Nicaragua, Brittany could not stay with Geoffrey. Allegedly afraid for her life, Brittany decided to flee to her home country, Canada, with their two children. However, Brittany knew her fugitive status would put her on the wrong side of immigration law and recognized she would be arrested once she arrived at the border.

On August 2nd, 2017, Starcasm reports: “Brittany surrendered herself and the children at a border crossing in Maine where she was voluntarily arrested due to her immigration status. As a consequence, she was banned from entering the United States for the next 20 years.” The judge ruled in favor of Geoffrey and determined his Tennessee residence as the children’s primary home. Their son Kazahm died four months later in his custody at just 13 months old.

His Second Ex-Wife Claims He Repeatedly Assaulted Her

Amidst the multiple abuse allegations made by three of Geoffrey’s four ex-wives includes his second ex-wife’s account of being repeatedly raped. Geoffrey married his ex-wife in April of 1998. Though it was Geoffrey who filed for divorce in 2004, she received an Order of Protection against Geoffrey, which Starcasm obtained:

“Around May of 2001, when my youngest son was 6 months old, he told me he was going to take my life and pushed me and the 6-month-old on the floor and tried to choke me to death. I’ve also had to wrestle a shotgun away from him after he had threatened to kill us both. The children tried to assist me by hitting him and the 5-year-old bit him.”

Three Separate Women Reported Domestic Violence Attacks

There have been two ex-wives of Geoffrey who have gone on record with accounts of abuse– physical, emotional, sexual, and financial. Their reports also include unhealthy levels of control, like hiding their car keys or deleting their phone contacts after physically attacking them.

His 2019 live-in girlfriend also reported abuse, receiving an Order of Protection against the Before The 90 Days star after his subsequent arrest (see below), which totals three women who proclaim Goeffrey is violent and unstable. Geoffrey is ordered to attend court on March 26th regarding the charges his ex-girlfriend filed against him.

Geoffrey Was Arrested In June 2019, For His Fourth Time!

After Geoffrey and his live-in girlfriend returned home from dinner on June 8th, 2019, she recounts: “He dragged me through the house by my hair and continued throwing my body into walls and furniture. I screamed for him to stop multiple times. This went on for approximately 30 minutes.”

She also goes into frightening details of him controlling her phone (see below), thwarting her call to 9-1-1. Geoffrey was charged with aggravated kidnapping, domestic assault, inference of a 9-1-1 call, and vandalism. “In the past year (since Sept. 2018), Geoffrey has assaulted me 4 other times. This includes pushing, hitting, choking, and verbal threats.”

Geoffrey Reportedly Held Ex-Girlfriend Against Her Will

During Geoffrey’s reported attack where he held his ex-girlfriend against her will, his girlfriend reported other disturbing behavior. His ex-girlfriend told police: “He got on my phone and began deleting all contact (texts, e-mails, voicemails, pictures) between us. He spent about 2 hours on my phone while I laid in bed beside him pretending to sleep. He pulled the screen off the front of the phone and disabled it so I could not call/text anyone. He also synced my iCloud to his MacBook.”

She continues: “When he was finished going through my phone, he tried to embrace me and apologize. I told him not to touch me and quickly jumped out of bed and ran out the front door to my neighbor’s house. I rang her doorbell and asked her to call 9-1-1, which she immediately did.”

Geoffrey’s Uncooperative With The Law

Along with being an alleged abuser, Geoffrey is also uncooperative with the police. The police report from his 2019 arrest states: “While in custody, the arrestee attempted to kick out the windows of the patrol vehicle. Officers removed the arrestee from the vehicle and applied leg restraints. The arrestee made further attempts to damage the patrol vehicle while his legs were restrained.”

Geoffrey also has a history of being snide in the courtroom. After Geoffrey was questioned about his taxes reporting an annual income of $13,940, which seemed low for the Tennessee father, Geoffrey kept “pleading the fifth,” refusing to answer simple questions.

Even Though TLC Hasn’t Removed Geoffrey, Multiple Podcasts Are Boycotting His Coverage

The premiere of season four of Before The 90 Days aired last Sunday, and many fans were confused about TLC’s decision to keep Geoffrey in the show. Regardless of their decision, many podcasters have decided to boycott Geoffrey’s segments. Pink Shade With Erin Martin, 90 Day Gays, and other popular podcasts have decided to skip over his content, refusing to give Goeffrey any more attention than he’s already received.

Kim and Kyle of the popular podcast 90 Day Cray Cray announced their decision to boycott weeks back, and Geoffrey’s Russian girlfriend Varya emailed them, upset about their decision. During a recent episode, they reveal her email was over five paragraphs long and stated: “there’s a whole other side that you’re not getting because he’s not allowed to tell it.”