Of all the 90 Day Fiance spin-offs, 90 Day Fiance: Pillow Talk is one of our faves. Think about it, we get to see past cast members, pry into their lives once more, and we get to hear what they are thinking about their fellow cast members.

Do they have the same opinions as us? Are they going to be as ruthless as us, the fans of the show? Better yet, are we even willing to listen to what they have to say and take it into consideration? It’s often that people take relationship advice from reality stars and immortalize it. We have a few favorites ourselves. Would you take relationship advice from anyone on the cast of 90 Day Fiance and its respective spin-offs?

David & Annie - No

After what we all saw on David and Annie’s season of 90 Day Fiance, we would certainly not take relationship advice from either one of these two. David is divorced and struggles to have a relationship with his kids, he struggles to get and keep work. Where are the positives here?

Annie looks like she got sucked in and she certainly looked as surprised as we did when she realized where David was getting his money from. There seems to be a lack of honesty on David’s part and don’t we all know by now that in a relationship, honesty is key?

Kolini - Yes

Sometimes fans of the show get a treat when Kolini joins Asuelu and Kalani in their bed to dig into a fresh episode of 90 Day Fiance. If you are fans of the entire series you know that Asuelu and Kolini never really got along. This is because Kolini was basically the father of her sister’s kid before Asuelu could get his visa (or a job in Samoa or the U.S.).

She is no-nonsense and has no time for people who don’t take care of their responsibilities. Who else laughs like a maniac when she joins the conversation? We especially love when she throws a dig or two in at Asuelu who is usually too slow to realize it’s an insult. 

Colt - No

Colt usually appears on Pillow Talk with his mom Debbie. Fans of the show know what went down between him and his now ex-wife Larissa so, we would be crazy to take any kind of advice from Colt. Before he was divorced Colt and Larissa would fight like crazy. To make matters worse, he is so far up his mom’s butt that it’s very uncomfortable.

The relationship was a mess before she even got to the U.S. what’s that they say about keeping your house in order before dishing out advice? Or did we just make that up?

Elizabeth, Rebekah & Jenn - Yes

Sister, sister. We love it when the girls get together to chit chat. Especially when those girls are Elizabeth, Rebekah, and Jenn. Libby’s sisters have never been ones to keep their opinions to themselves. They aren’t afraid to take on Andrei and they certainly aren’t afraid to tell these other cast members just how questionable their decision making is.

This is especially true for Rebekah who we would argue as the most opinionated out of all the sisters. She and Andrei would argue the most and she would never back down. She seems to have her head on straight (for the most part). 

Kalani and Asuelu - No

Kalani and Asuelu had a very awkward relationship. From the dance in the airport to the fact that he had absolutely no common sense when it came to kids. It was certainly a rough road for these two especially seeing as Kalani’s family wanted answers to questions that they never fully got answers for.

Asuelu couldn’t keep a job to support his kids and to make matters worse, he cheated on Kalani. They may have 2 kids now but from what we have seen on Pillow Talk, they still need a lot of work.

Loren & Alexei - Yes

Fans have to admire Loren and Alexei’s relationship. The couple appeared on season one of 90 Day Fiance and they genuinely looked in love. We love that they don’t bring a lot of drama and they are one of the couples who we would take relationship advice from in a heartbeat.

The couple is currently expecting their first child together and we just hope that we get to see Loren’s baby bump on future episodes. We also hope that the new couples watch the pillow talk episodes and take some of the advice this couple is dishing out because it could make a huge difference for some of these new couples. 

Dean - No

Tarik isn’t really the problem here, it’s more so Dean. the way he acted in Thailand around Tarik’s boo Hazel was totally inappropriate and now was are expected to sit and watch him comment on other people’s relationships?

Maybe he has turned a new leaf because he ended up meeting a woman from Thailand as well but who would want advice from or even hear commentary from someone who said such rude and inappropriate things on their season. Albeit he did backtrack on his comments when he got backlash online but we will opt for the advice from Tarik over Dean.

Andrei & Elizabeth - Yes

We have to admit we aren’t complete fans of Andrei. He is a bit harsh when he addresses his wife and her family but when his dad came to town for the birth of his daughter, he was the nicest guy ever. So we know he can be nice. This is why we kind of like seeing him and Elizabeth throw shade at some of the other couples.

What we love most about this couple is that they both seem pretty opinionated and we know we are going to get truthful commentary, no B.S. especially from Andrei. Their relationship besides a few bumps seems genuine. It’s nice to get an opinion that may be hard to hear but is ultimately the truth. This is a solid relationship. 

Darcey - Definitely No

Darcey was on season one of Pillow Talk riding high off of her woe is me Before The 90 Days season. She appears on Pillow Talk with her twin sister Darcey who is also in a long-distance relationship. We shouldn’t have to plead our case too much, Darcey has since appeared on another season of 90 Day Fiance and plans to be on another one.

Do we need to say more? She is still trying to figure out her love life so we can safely say that most of what she says on Pillow Talk should be taken with a grain of salt?

Molly & Cynthia - Yes

We love us a southern girl. We especially love us some Molly. We have been wanting to see her on our screens since the crazy debacle that went down with Luis and the owls and voodoo. She offers a fresh take and watching her interact with her bestie Cynthia in their own element is exciting. She is very opinionated and so far she has not disappointed.

During her relationship with Luis, she knew when enough was enough, especially because she had kids involved. Cynthia is also one not to mess with, she is honest and we usually saw her giving Molly tough love when it came to Luis. These two might actually be helpful. 

Next: 90 Day Fiance: 5 Couples That Bug Us On Pillow Talk (& 5 We Wish Were Cast)