90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days’ Avery starts to doubt her new husband Omar, causing her to wonder if he’s only with her for a US visa. Omar’s lack of emotion about Avery leaving and asking about the visa process makes Avery suspicious about the true intentions behind their marriage.

19-year-old Avery from Columbus, Ohio and 24-year-old Omar who is from Syria met after Avery decided when she was 18-years-old to leave her Christian faith and convert to Islam. After she joined a Muslim dating site, she met Omar. The two fell in love online, Omar sent her the engagement ring in the mail, and just weeks before their wedding day they finally met face to face. Despite Avery’s mother’s concerns about the legitimacy of the marriage as well as Avery’s safety, they went through with the marriage. Avery and Omar plan to move to America, but since it could be difficult to get a visa for Syrian Omar, Avery told her mother she will be moving to Syria if Omar doesn’t get a US visa.

Avery’s mother expressed concerns about the intentions behind the marriage, but Avery shot it down every time. Now that Avery’s mom is back in America and she’s alone with her husband on the last night before she heads home to Ohio, she’s having doubts. Their plan will be once Avery gets back to America, she will apply for the marriage visa for Omar and then come move to Syria while they will wait for the visa to process, which could take up to a year. While watching the sunset at the beach, she asks Omar if he will become emotional and cry when she leaves him at the airport, and his reply doesn’t satisfy her. He explained that in his Syrian culture, the man is supposed to be the strong one emotionally and isn’t supposed to show those types of emotions.

Later at dinner, Omar asks about the visa process. However, Avery is more concerned with his lack of emotions towards her leaving. She asks, “Do you have any emotions right now? You don’t even seem like it.” Avery continues that though they both obviously love each other, she says to her new husband, “I don’t want to be used, you know?” In which Omar replies, “You have [a] doubt that I’m using you?” Avery explains that she feels like there “is always that 1% chance” that he could be using her. When talking to the camera, she says later, “When Omar asked me about the process, I feel like he cares a lot about the visa, but he wasn’t very emotional about me leaving.” She explained that’s why she’s starting to feel doubtful, especially after all of the seeds her mother has planted in her head about him only wanting to marry her for the green card. Avery said, “The questions that people ask me, they run through my mind sometimes. It’s hard to ignore them.” Omar explains that it makes him “feel sad,” when Avery questions his intentions because he explains he’s “not that kind of person.”

After Omar suggests that she doesn’t apply for the visa since she’s having doubts, she shuts him down and says she has to do it so that they can be together. It seems like a huge risk for Avery and her family to trust Omar and also a huge risk to move to war-torn Syria while they wait for the visa. If Omar’s visa is denied, it will separate Avery from her family as she will move to Syria for good. Fans will have to continue watching 90 Day Fiancé to find out how this story ends.

Next: 90 Day Fiancé: Angela Deem’s Daughter Refuses to Give Her Egg for Baby

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days airs Sundays, 8 pm on TLC.