Despite getting engaged during the finale of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, when Corey Rathgeber and Evelin Villegas appeared on a recent tell-all episode, Villegas forgot to wear her engagement ring.

Rathgeber and Villegas have had struggles from the beginning of their relationship. The couple first appeared on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way when Rathgeber quit his job, sold his car, and used his life-savings to move to Ecuador to be with Villegas, his girlfriend of four years. From the beginning, viewers felt that their relationship was one-sided at times, and that Villegas might not be as in love with Rathgeber as he was with her, despite him moving to a new continent for her. They made it through the death of Rathgeber’s father, as well as an issue with cheating in their relationship, but the couple eventually made it to Rathgeber’s hot-air balloon proposal, which Villegas hesitantly accepted. Now, the pair’s appearance on a tell-all episode has once again reinforced with viewers that Villegas may not be as serious about her fiancé as he is about her.

In a sneak peek of the upcoming 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way tell-all episode, Villegas was called out for not wearing her engagement ring for the interview. The host, Shaun Robinson, asked Villegas if she was wearing it, to which she responded “I forgot” and laughed as she showed the camera her bare hands. Rathgeber was less than impressed, asking “Seriously, Evelin? Are you kidding me?” but Villegas insisted, “I forgot, I completely forgot.” While Villegas and Rathgeber were talking, the other couples on the show were watching from a separate room and Jenny Slatten couldn’t resist commenting, claiming “if Sumit put a ring on this finger, it would never come off.” Rathgeber continued that he couldn’t believe his fiancé wasn’t wearing her ring, and Villegas eventually apologized, saying she was “so sorry” and that she “literally just realized it this morning.” 

In the same interview, Villegas and Rathgeber discussed some of the concerns that were specifically holding Villegas back from planning their wedding, which includes Rathgeber’s weight. “She says I need to put on more muscle. Like, I need to look more attractive,” he said, to which Villegas laughed and responded, “Yeah, it’s because he got a lot of weight on.” He also added that Villegas has asked him to learn Spanish so that he can “talk with her family and immerse [himself] in the culture more,” which seems like more of a reasonable request than the former. Rathgeber also said that he was accepted for a six-month extended tourist visa, which will give them the “extra time necessary to get the ball rolling with the marriage.”

While Rathgeber certainly seems to be ready for marriage with Villegas, this interview only added to the concerns that fans have surrounding Villegas’ commitment to her relationship. Villegas in past interviews and episodes has acknowledged that she can be hard on Rathgeber at times, and she’s been open about her hesitations to rush into a marriage, despite the couple having been together for many years. As the show is still currently airing, fans will just have to wait and see if Evelin and Corey are able to make it through, or if Corey will be moving back to America at the end of this.

Next: Marriage Boot Camp’s Aubrey O’Day Calls for Celebrity Version of 90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs Mondays at 8pm EST on TLC.

Source: TLC