This has to be one of the best series that TLC has shown us, and it is filled to the brim with shocking moments in every episode. It’s why we love it. As soon as we think we have the couples figured out, a surprise hits us right in the face. This list is full of them, ranging from some behind the scene antics that makes the show run, to which couples are doing fine, and how the ones that fell out ended up where they are.

Below, you’ll find 10 reasons we’re shocked about the couples of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After from Season 6.

What’s Up With Colt and Larissa?

Colt and Larissa had undoubtedly the most toxic relationship we’ve ever seen in the show, and that is in no way an exaggeration. Every single time the couple showed up on screen it took maybe three or four sentences before the yelling came in. Oh, dear lord at the amount of yelling coming from both sides, as well as Colt’s mother that lived with the two throughout the process.

They split up before the Tell-All where Colt emotionally proclaimed his love, moments before Larissa’s new boyfriend popped up to talk with the rest of the cast. Of course, Colt didn’t take this well, and the two shot off choice words at each other.

What Happened With Jay and Ashley?

This is far from your picture-perfect relationship. Ashley was in our prayers when Jay was cheating on her with multiple women while the show was filming, and even after that. It’s not just on his side though, his soon to be ex-wife has stated on Instagram that the two were getting a divorce, and, when she dropped the motion, she blamed it on her medication for lupus for affecting her thought process. So, why is she still on the show? Because the drama between the two of them makes for some very good TV, and fans can’t help but wonder what’s next for the two.

Jorge and Ansifa

Honest question here; where do we even start with these two? Do we start off by mentioning that Jorge actually met Ansifa on a cam girl site? Or that he was cheating on his wife with a somewhat famous YouTube podcaster Stevie Ryan? What about Jorge’s felony charges that he received when he was caught with close to 300 lbs. of marijuana in his car?

Do you see what we mean? This couple is insane, and, shockingly enough, Ansifa decided to stay with Jorge while he served his time in jail. She wanted to keep her life private but spilled the news on Instagram, shocking many regarding her decision.

What’s With Azan and Nicole?

Azan’s disappointment at Nicole’s weight was a shared gut punch between her and the fans. She spoke highly of him, and the two seemed like they were really in love. The problems between them flared up since the first day they met, with problems on Azan’s end encompassing his girlfriends’ weight and how she yelled at him in public.

The relationship went into a steady decrease, and we were really hoping the two would have sorted things out before the Tell-All, but they didn’t, and Nicole told everyone that she hasn’t seen Azan in well over a year. He decided that staying in his homeland was a better choice than flying out to meet them. Another tidbit? He even asked for Ansifa’s number and was ratted out by TLC themselves via twitter.

Steven and Olga

Can we take a second to applaud a couple coming out on top from the show? After so many failed relationships falling apart and being televised from start to finish, it’s nice to see a couple make it through all the problems they faced. Yes, the couple did have their moments on the show, but it came nowhere near as dramatic as the other couples.

Steven did lie to Olga when he told her he sent in all the required information for her visa, and we were shocked to learn that he lied to her. His reasoning was that he wanted to make sure she was the right one before making that commitment. She forgave him, and the two are now new parents.

Kalina and Asuelu

Let’s keep the happy couple streak up for a little bit. These two were nothing but sweet to each other with their time on screen. Kalani meets Asuleu while she was staying at a resort during her vacation. Fans were shocked to find out that Asuleu was the first person that Kalani was intimate with, and when he moved to California with her, her family couldn’t help but be suspicious at his motives.

Fans were surprised to know that not only did the couple marry, but Kalani was pregnant with their second child while they were getting married. The couple had their second child together, named Kennedy, in April 2019.

Eric and Leida

Many would consider the age difference between these two to be shocking. There’s a good 11-year gap dividing the lovers, and some fans think Eric is somewhat creepy for dating someone that far from his age. That also makes it hard to have a lot in common.

Eric was a long-time U.S. Marine, while Leida a talented model and singer with a work history surrounding teaching and coming from a wealthy family. Fans were shocked when she decided to leave her home for Eric, and his family shared the feelings. Even more disturbing? Cops were called in to settle a domestic violence dispute between the two of them. 

Johnathan and Fernanda

The 13-year age gap between these two had fans raising their eyebrows for a bit. Not just the age though, but how little the two actually had in common, despite Johnathan’s hollow words that they would be fine.

They weren’t, which isn’t shocking. What is though, however, is how quickly this relationship burned and how critical the couple got towards one another. The couple announced they were separating in January of 2019 after not speaking to each other in over a month. To make things just a little worse, Johnathan stated that he canceled his ex-wife’s green card paperwork, essentially denying her the option to stay in the U.S.

The Tell-All

The Tell-All is the best place to see the tea between all the couples being spilled. It’s a hostile group therapy where everyone gets to dig into each other with personal opinions that leave scars. The couples constantly fire at each other with boyfriends getting pitted against boyfriend as their significant others are insulted.

Colt has been the center of many fights in the Tell-All with couples badgering him over his over-affection for his mother. It didn’t end there; Colt had another bout with Larissa’s new beau. Larissa was really enjoying herself at the site, and we were left shocked at just how spiteful the behavior of the cast could be.

Scripted Scenes?

Can we really be shocked that the producers may have scripted some of the most dramatic and cringe-worthy scenes in the series? Could we even blame them? Many fans are glued to the TV when the couples come on, and trying to pick out which scenes could be faked is becoming part of the fun.

Take the Thai massage scene from season 3, for example. That was fake, which explains why the cast was so casual about the entire thing. They’ve been known to stoke the fires throughout the show, though, from ratting out Azan to even letting Larissa bring her new boyfriend on screen. We are sometimes seriously shocked at the length that TLC will go to in order to nab and retain new viewers.